Research on the subject of systems integration

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131548727

The first step is to identify what systems integration is and how these types of projects can be successfully performed. For this case assignment, you will perform some research on the subject of systems integration and present your results.

Case Assignment

  • Write a paper addressing the following points:
    • What is the definition of systems integration?
    • What are the key advantages to systems integration?
    • What are the primary hurdles faced in systems integration projects and how can they be addressed?
    • What are two of the best current platforms used for systems integration and how do they compare?

Assignment Expectations

  • Use information from the modular background readings and additional quality resources.
  • Include a title page.
  • Cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
  • Paper should be 3-4 double-spaced pages excluding the title and references pages.

The paper will be assessed on your ability to consolidate ideas from your research and your understanding of the materials.

Reference no: EM131548727

Questions Cloud

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Discuss data analysis and decision making : Your first essay should describe the various components that comprise the main aspects of the required readings (chapters 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11).
Research on the subject of systems integration : For this case assignment, you will perform some research on the subject of systems integration and present your results.
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What are the risks of using the media in social campaigns : Essay Question: Engagement with politics and governments is rapidly changing as we move further into the digital age. Campaigns such as Kony 2012 create.
Recommend strategic approaches to address the challenges : Recommend strategic approaches to address the challenges associated with internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection.
The structure of the measurement operations : Validity can be defined as an evaluative judgment based on a variety of considerations, such as the structure of the measurement operations.


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