Reference no: EM131394906
Step 1: In 2009, HIPAA enforcement was transferred to the HHS Office of Civil Rights. Visit the Office of Civil Rights for HHS Compliance and Enforcement of HIPAA.
Click on your state to review enforcement information for your state (New Jersey). Review the percentage of corrective action necessary for your state in the time period reported. Then, select at least five (5) other states to review their enforcement results. Compare the results of your state to the other states. Describe why the results may differ from state to state.
To verify your state's HIPAA enforcement activity, do an Internet search for HIPAA violations in your state (for example, "Ohio HIPAA violations" or "New Jersey HIPAA Enforcement"). Describe at least two examples of HIPAA enforcement in your state within the past 2 years, including a summary of the offense and the penalties that were applied.
Step 2: Perform research on the National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII), Joint Commission, ARRA, and your state's QIO (Quality Integrity Organization). Find information in relation to interoperability, meaningful use and the HITECH Act. In your research, compare at least three cases or examples where these organizations were an integral part of implementing an EHR. Compare the three cases, and then formulate conclusions based on your evaluation of the cases. Your conclusions should evaluate the role of HIPAA and organizations' impact on the quality of healthcare.
Step 3: Compose all of your work into a paper, with an introduction and conclusion. Your submissions should be a minimum of three pages (excluding title and reference page). Include your references in proper APA format.
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