Research on customer service related topic

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132400682

Select a customer service related research topic that may apply to your discipline (Supply Chain Management) and to use for your final paper.

Create an annotated bibliography. Please use APA format for the cover page, spacing, and citations. Organize your annotated bibliography alphabetically.

The annotated bibliography must include a minimum of 10 sources. Each annotation should be one paragraph in length (100-150 words) and written in third person.

Reference no: EM132400682

Questions Cloud

Define characteristics of a socially conscience organization : Create a 7-10 slide presentation with speaker notes on an organization that exhibits characteristics of a socially conscience organization. Cite the mission.
Describe advantage that organization can gain by planning : Think about a healthcare organization you know (or have researched) and describe one advantage that this organization can gain by planning?
What are potential errors related to the study design : Does the study design specify a question, goal, of the study? Why is this important? Explain the methodology (Randomized Control Trial, Cohort Study, Case
Prevalent in the workplace : Why has the use of teams increased so dramatically? What are some of the factors that attribute to this change?
Research on customer service related topic : Select a customer service related research topic that may apply to your discipline (Supply Chain Management) and to use for your final paper
Various steps within the revenue cycle process : Identify the various steps within the revenue cycle process, including admissions, case management, documentation, coding, billing
Despite costs associated with performance appraisal : Despite costs associated with performance appraisal, it is one way health care organizations can ensure that only competent, qualified personnel care.
Mckinsey consulting team and make relevant suggestions : Assume that you are from Mckinsey consulting team and make relevant suggestions to the organization to prepare for the future.
Explain how unethical choices by some players harms players : Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.


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