Reference no: EM131864605
Unit VIII Essay
Research mandatory reporting requirements for EMS personnel in your own state. Write an essay to include a clear introduction of the topic that at a minimum identifies the following:
What patient conditions, activities, or environmental findings are EMS personnel legally obligated to report in your state?
To whom must EMS professionals report their suspicions or concerns in order to meet the mandatory reporting requirements?
What repercussions are possible if EMS professionals are aware of mandatory reporting conditions and fail to report?
Your paper should be a minimum of three pages, not including the title and reference pages. You must use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook.
These may include peer-reviewed articles, professional organization websites, and government websites/documents.
All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.
Which of the tsa measures or programs for aviation security
: Which of the TSA measures or programs for aviation security do you consider to be the most effective and beneficial?
Describe what is meant by human diversity
: Describe what is meant by human diversity, cultural diversity, and systems diversity, and provide an example of why each type of diversity needs to be managed.
Hydraulic cylinder piston diameter
: If the nitrogen pre charge pressure is 84 bars gage, find the size of the accumulator. The hydraulic cylinder piston diameter is 152 mm.
Calculate the charge gas pressure
: If the resulting pressure in the accumulator is 1000 psig, calculate the charge gas pressure.
Research mandatory reporting requirements for ems personnel
: What patient conditions, activities, or environmental findings are EMS personnel legally obligated to report in your state?
How many computers will be attached to the network
: E Norm, Inc. has two sites in Pittsburgh that are four miles apart. How many computers will be attached to the network?
Discuss how your definitions are similar
: Describe what gender, marital status, and race dimensions mean to you as they relate to your experiences in the workplace. In your response to your classmates.
Name four advantages of fluidics
: 1. What is fluidics? 2. Name four advantages of fluidics.
Discuss the role of the airport security coordinator
: How do you envision them working together in the common goal of providing security at airports?