Reference no: EM133138133
Research Drug Overdose Mortality Trend
As a health data analyst in the research department of Rushing Medical Center, you are assisting Dr. Taylor in conducting quantitative research on drug overdose mortalities . Dr. Taylor is an addiction specialist who chairs the oversight committee for research studies . This is a new study and you will assist in establishing the hypothetical statement for Dr. Taylor's prediction and access public data to present a preliminary dataset to the committee . You will utilize the CDC^ + public online research database known as WONDER to access state and national data . Dr. Taylor feels there will be no significant difference in the medical center's death trend over the past three years , when compared to the state's overdose mortalities . (Visit the web links section of the student companion website for access to CDC Wonder database to build a dataset and report . ) Helpful tips in completing the CDC request form for building dataset to extract data :
Report No 1. State Year , location by your Select State ." all categories of urbanization , ten -year age group , all genders , all races , all origins . Provide a comprehensive title for report , reflecting population and time frame of data mined
Report No. 2 : Census Region Year , location by All US^ + to easily obtain total overdose mortalities for United States , all categories of urbanization ten -year age group , all genders , all races all origins . Provide a comprehensive title for report , reflecting population and time frame of data mined .
Trend most recent three years from CDC Wonder database for both reports .
Narrow to only drug -induced causes after selecting parameter drug /alcohol -induced causes .
Create the null hypothesis for the research based upon Dr. Taylor's predicted outcomes of the study.
Build Report number 1 utilizing the CDC Wonder database , to reflect your state's mortality rate for the most recent three years . See helpful tips above for search parameters to use. Send the dataset request once search parameters are set to develop the report . Results will reflect in a table format however , Dr. Taylor desires a graph . The table of your results provide an option to create a graph display under a tab labeled "chart Select chart and print the graph.
Build Report number 2 utilizing the CDC Wonder database to obtain total overdose mortalities for the United States , from most recent three years . Again , refer to search parameters given above that should be used in obtaining the results table . Submit the table results for a grade Create an Excel table and build a graph for the committee that reflects whether your select state's trend cor relates with the national trend.