Research concerning the riddle of sexual orientation

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Reference no: EM131561813

Question 1: Wilma has a genetic disorder which causes her body to produce too little of the hormone leptin. Which of the following is likely a symptom of her disorder?

A. Wilma is too skinny.

B. Wilma overeats.

C. Wilma's metabolism rate is very fast.

D. Wilma gets no pleasure from eating.

Question 2: Research concerning the riddle of sexual orientation suggests that role.

A. most gay men report being seduced by an older adult during late childhood or early adolescence.

B. the majority of children of gay parents become gay themselves when they reach adolescence.

C. the parents of gay men were unconcerned about their son's nonconformity with the traditional male

D. from an early age, most gay men recall that they rejected the typical boy role and toys.

Question 3: Leona engages in activities only if she will receive a reward. She

A. has a need for affiliation.

B. is intrinsically motivated.

C. is extrinsically motivated.

Question 4: Masters and Johnson concluded that, when it came to orgasms,

A. the capacity for sexual response in men surpasses that of women.

B. the similarity between men and women depends on the source of stimulation (vaginal versus clitoral).

C. men and women experience orgasms quite differently.

D. male and female orgasms are remarkably similar.

Question 5: Evan wants to earn a black belt in karate. Which way of thinking is most likely to help Evan reach his goal?

A. "I should make sure I don't lose any matches."

B. "I will set specific goals that I know I can reach easily."

C. "I will set specific goals that are tough but attainable."

D. "I will try not to fool around when I should be practicing."

Question 6: The phrase "addicted to love" may have some truth to it, because the touch of a parent or lover can cause the release of neurotransmitters in the brain that are natural

A. opiates.

B. tranquilizers.

C. stimulants.

D. depressants.

Question 7: A female friend of yours confides that her sex drive has been low lately, and she is thinking of taking testosterone to increase it. Which of the following should you tell her?

A. The pills won't work because testosterone only promotes sexual desire in men, not women.

B. The pills won't work because testosterone has nothing to do with sexual desire.

C. Do it! Testosterone supplements will have a major increase on your sex drive.

D. It probably isn't worth it because the effect of testosterone supplements on sexual satisfaction is very small for healthy individuals.

Question 8: Which of the following is an example of an approach-approach conflict?

A. A young boy can't decide between which of two adventure movies he wants to see.

B. A woman can't decide whether to vote for Smith or Jones in the upcoming election, neither of whom she likes.

C. A man can't decide whether or not to get married to the woman he loves and give up the single life.

D. You can't decide whether to go to work or to play hooky and go to the beach.

Question 9: Charlie and Charlotte are learning to ski. Every time she falls, Charlotte says, "This is the most humiliating experience I've ever had! Everyone is watching me behave like a clumsy dolt!" When Charlie falls he says, "Well, that sure isn't the way to turn on these things, I'd better try another way." Why is Charlotte more likely than Charlie to give up?

A. She has set an unrealistic goal.

B. She is focusing on mastery goals.

C. She has little need for achievement.

D. She is focusing on performance goals.

Question 10: The evidence for psychological theories that attribute obesity to emotional disturbances

A. empirically supports the view that overweight individuals are mentally ill.

B. was based on flawed studies, often without control groups or objective measures.

C. indicates that overweight people, on the average, overeat to fill "emotional holes."

D. shows that obesity is almost always based on overeating.

Question 11: A person with a(n) _______ attachment style will be uncomfortable getting close to others and find it difficult to trust or depend on others.

A. secure

B. avoidant

C. anxious

D. ambivalent

Question 12: Historically, when women have needed a relationship for financial security, sex was regarded as a(n)

A. asset to be rationed to achieve a goal.

B. pleasurable activity to be enjoyed.

C. act to be "gotten through" quickly.

D. art to cultivate, like the art of cooking.

Question 13: Which of the following statements is true of homosexuality?

A. Homosexuality is a direct result of being seduced by an older adult.

B. Homosexuality can be attributed to having a smothering mother or an absent father.

C. The majority of children of gay parents become gay.

D. Homosexual behavior has been documented in over 450 species.

Question 14: _______ are goals framed in terms of positive experiences that you seek directly.

A. Approach goals

B. Performance goals

C. Secure goals

D. Self-efficacy goals

Question 15: Some people have suggested that oxytocin could act as a "love or cuddle hormone" or "liquid trust." Which of the following is a reason given in the textbook why this is an oversimplification?

A. Oxytocin actually decreases attraction and trust in most people.

B. Giving people doses of oxytocin makes them more likely to favor their own group over other groups, and increases defensive aggression against outsiders.

C. Oxytocin increases attraction and trust in non-human animals, but has no effect in humans.

D. Giving people doses of oxytocin only works if it is administered along with vasopressin.

Question 16: There's an old saying, "Damned if I do and damned if I don't." This saying illustrates a(n) _______ conflict.

A. approach-approach

B. approach-avoidance

C. avoidance-avoidance

D. multiple approach-avoidance

Question 17: Risky sexual behaviors, such as sex with many partners and a failure to use birth control, are strongly associated with which of the following motives for sex?

A. Extrinsic motives, such as having sex to gain approval from others

B. The satisfaction and physical pleasure of sex

C. Emotional closeness with the partner

D. Spiritual transcendence

Question 18: According to your textbook, in what way do men and women differ when it comes to romance?

A. Men usually suffer more from the end of a relationship than women do.

B. Women usually suffer more from the end of a relationship than men do.

C. Men and women typically differ in how they express their motives for love and intimacy.

D. Men are more likely to be insecurely attached than women are.

Question 19: When her baby begins to cry, Brenda can quickly soothe him by picking him up, holding him, and stroking his head. Based on research with animals, it's likely that Brenda's touch has a soothing effect, in part, because it leads to the release of _______ in the baby's brain.

A. morphine

B. endorphins

C. leptin

D. vasopressin

Question 20: To understand the motivation to achieve, researchers today emphasize _______ rather than inner drives.

A. survival needs

B. goals

C. remuneration

D. external drives

Question 21: During Erikson's stage of _______, a person must learn to be independent about his or her actions.

A. trust versus mistrust

B. ego integrity versus despair

C. autonomy versus shame and doubt

D. generativity versus stagnation

Question 22: Adolescence refers to the period of development between

A. ages 13 and 19.

B. grade school and college.

C. puberty and adulthood.

D. high school and marriage.

Question 23: The fundamental sense of being male or female, independent of whether a person conforms to the social rules of gender, is called

A. gender typing.

B. gender identity.

C. gender schema.

D. gender development.

Question 24: Janis sees a bat flying over the lake and says, "Birdie"! Her mother says, "That flies like a bird, Janis, but that's a bat." Janis begins pointing saying, "Bat! Bat! Bat!" Piaget would say that this is an example of

A. assimilation.

B. preoperational thought.

C. accommodation.

D. egocentric thinking.

Question 25: Comparisons of hormone production in boys and girls show that

A. before puberty, boys have higher levels of estrogen than do girls.

B. from puberty on, boys and girls produce the same amounts of androgens and estrogens.

C. before puberty, girls have higher levels of estrogen than do boys.

D. from puberty on, boys produce more androgens and girls produce more estrogens.

Question 26: Behavioral and social-cognitive learning theorists generally believe that gender socialization begins

A. at the child's birth or soon after.

B. when the child comprehends speech.

C. when children label themselves boys or girls.

D. when children have developed a secure gender identity.

Question 27: _______ is a method of child rearing in which the parent appeals to the child's own abilities, sense of responsibility, and feelings for others in correcting the child's misbehavior.

A. Induction

B. Power assertion

C. Delayed gratification

D. Accommodation

Question 28: Which aspect of attachment was demonstrated by Margaret and Harry Harlow using rhesus monkeys as research subjects?

A. Power assertion

B. Insecure attachment

C. Contact comfort

D. Egocentrism

Question 29: Children begin to name objects at about

A. three months of age.

B. six months of age.

C. one year of age.

D. three years of age.

Question 30: Which of the following is true regarding risk factors related to fathers?

A. Babies of men exposed to workplace chemicals are more likely to be miscarried.

B. Babies of young fathers have an increased probability of autism.

C. Fathers under the age of 25 have three times the risk of conceiving a child who develops schizophrenia as do fathers over the age of 50.

D. There's an increased risk that the babies of teenaged fathers will develop bipolar disorder.

Question 31: After greeting her relatives at the airport, Joey's mother leaves him with his grandmother and gets the luggage. Eight-month-old Joey becomes fearful of the stranger holding him and begins to cry. This distress would be an example of

A. insecure attachment.

B. separation anxiety.

C. avoidant attachment.

D. sensorimotor thinking.

Question 32: Will you sink into complacency and selfishness, or will you experience the pleasure of creativity and renewal? According to Erik Erikson, this is the crisis of

A. initiative versus guilt.

B. ego integrity versus despair.

C. identity versus role confusion.

D. generativity versus stagnation.

Question 33: According to the anti-innate-module school, which of the following holds true for human language?

A. Experience and culture have no role in language development.

B. Culture is the primary determinant of a language's linguistic structure, rather than an innate grammar.

C. Genetics is the primary determinant of a language's linguistic structure.

D. Major differences between the world's languages can be explained by a "universal grammar."

Question 34: _______ is the cessation of menstruation and of the production of ova.

A. Menopause

B. Puberty

C. Menarche

D. Adrenarche

Question 35: Which of the following is true about language?

A. Any type of communication is a language.

B. All languages involve the making of sounds.

C. Language allows a near infinite number of novel ideas to be communicated.

D. Scientists are surprised that humans evolved to use language, because it probably wasn't very beneficial for our prehistoric ancestors.

Question 36: Tyrel is only five years old. He is angry at his brother and is about to hit him when he stops. According to Lawrence Kohlberg, it's most likely that Tyrel didn't hit his brother because he

A. respects the rules of the house.

B. doesn't want to get into trouble.

C. realizes that all human beings deserve to live without violence.

D. wants to conform to the rules of the house.

Question 37: _______ is the sequential unfolding of genetically influenced behavior and physical characteristics.

A. Socialization

B. Maturation

C. Induction

D. Acculturation

Question 38: According to Noam Chomsky, the human brain contains an innate mental module called _______ that allows young children to develop language if they're exposed to an adequate sampling of conversation.

A. telegraphic speech

B. universal grammar

C. object permanence

D. theory of mind

Question 39: Females who were exposed to higher-than-normal levels of androgens while in the womb are more likely than other female children to

A. prefer playing with "boys' toys" such as fire engines.

B. have an insecure attachment style.

C. have a secure attachment style.

D. prefer playing with "girls' toys" such as dolls.

Question 40: The process by which children learn the abilities, interests, and behaviors associated with being masculine or feminine in their culture is called

A. gender typing.

B. gender identity formation.

C. gender schema development.

D. learned gender differences.

Question 41: Which of the following is generally more important than the specific technique a therapist uses in determining the success of psychotherapy?

A. How long the therapy lasts

B. The insight that the therapy provides the client

C. The bond between the therapist and the client

D. Whether the therapist and client are matched by gender

Question 42: Which method of treating a client with a phobia of spiders would be the most intense, if not terrifying, for the client?

A. Flooding

B. Graduated exposure

C. Systematic desensitization

D. Counterconditioning

Question 43: In general, humanist therapists believe that _______ is useful in treating psychological disorders.

A. transference

B. dream analysis

C. flooding

D. unconditional positive regard

Question 44: Which treatment is least likely to be used today?

A. Drug therapy

B. Prefrontal lobotomy


D. Behavior therapy

Question 45: Some cognitive-behavioral therapists have begun to question the goal of changing a client's self-defeating thoughts. They argue that it's difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of unwanted thoughts and feelings, especially when people have been rehearsing them for years. This idea was inspired, at least in part, by

A. the writings of Sigmund Freud.

B. the modernist philosophers.

C. the post-modernist philosophers.

D. Eastern philosophies.

Question 46: Antipsychotic drugs offer little relief from which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia?

A. Delusions

B. Agitation

C. Emotional flatness

D. Hallucinations

Question 47: Which of the following therapies focuses on a person's free will to change, rather than focusing on past conflicts?

A. Behavior

B. Cognitive

C. Humanist

D. Family

Question 48: Isaac is a bright student but he procrastinates. He puts off writing term papers and gets incomplete grades which eventually become F's. Isaac's _______ therapist assumes that Isaac's procrastination masks his low self-regard, and that he is out of touch with his real feelings.

A. psychodynamic

B. behavior

C. cognitive

D. humanist

Question 49: ___ involves providing a nonjudgmental setting in which to discuss issues, while providing the client with unconditional positive regard.

A. Existential therapy

B. Client-centered therapy

C. Rational-emotive behavior therapy

D. Modern psychodynamic therapy

Question 50: Which of the following would likely be the most useful in reducing a patient's agitation, delusions, and hallucinations?

A. Antipsychotic drug

B. Tranquilizer

C. Lithium carbonate

D. Antidepressant

Question 51: _____ is often more effective than medication in the treatment of panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A. Cognitive-behavior therapy

B. Psychodynamic therapy

C. Family intervention therapy

D. Humanist therapy

Question 52: A therapist is interested in interpreting dreams and in having clients relate stories about their childhoods. This person is most likely to be a

A. client-centered therapist.

B. psychodynamic therapist.

C. cognitive therapist.

D. behavior therapist.

Question 53: A family therapist would be most likely to agree that

A. family members need to be taught to provide one another with unconditional positive regard.

B. efforts to isolate and treat one member of a family, without the other family members, are doomed.

C. behavioral records and skills training are necessary tools to heal the wounded member of a family.

D. problems in a family can usually be traced to a single, troubled individual.

Question 54: A drug that elevates the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain by blocking an enzyme that deactivates these neurotransmitters would most likely be used to treat

A. psychosis.

B. dissociative identity disorder.

C. bipolar disorder.

D. depression.

Question 55: Dr. Rodriguez believes that his clients have the free will determine their own destinies, and that his job as a therapist is to help them learn to cope with the inescapable realities of life and death. Dr. Rodriguez would be best described as a(n) _______ therapist.

A. psychodynamic

B. humanist

C. existential

D. cognitive

Question 56: Maureen is in therapy because she is very frightened of her father and feels tongue-tied around him. After a few months, she begins to feel frightened of her therapist also. According to Freud, this would be an example of:

A. object relations.

B. counterconditioning.

C. transference.

D. an existential crisis.

Question 57: Which of the following is a common element shared by all successful therapies, regardless of the approach?

A. They all use some form of transference to identify underlying problems.

B. They're able to replace a client's pessimistic or unrealistic narrative with one that's more hopeful and attainable.

C. The therapists are scientific psychologists who rely on empirical research to determine the most effective technique for each client.

D. The therapists remain neutral and detached so that the clients can project their own issues into the therapy session.

Question 58: The proponents of _______ therapies also refer to their methods as "depth" therapies.

A. humanist

B. psychodynamic

C. behavior

D. cognitive

Question 59: Gino has spent the last five years receiving traditional psychoanalysis. How is the concept of "justification of effort" likely to affect his response when his friend Yani asks whether he would recommend this type of therapy?

A. It will make Gino less likely to recommend it.

B. It will make Gino more likely to recommend it.

C. It will have no effect on Gino because he has been seeing the therapist for so long.

D. It will make Gino recommend psychoanalysis, but with a different therapist.

Question 60: A person may have short-term success with antipsychotic or antidepressant drugs, but at least half of patients stop taking them, often because of the _______of the medication.

A. foul taste

B. unpleasant side effects

C. unproven effectiveness

D. societal stigma

Reference no: EM131561813

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