Reference no: EM13984479 , Length:
Complex Distribution System Control
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
-HAL 9000, a fictional sentient computer from the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey
Science fiction movies have fuelled stories and images of a dystopian world full of sentient, complex distributed systems gone out of control. Fortunately, many actual technological futurists do not foresee such events occurring.
A present concern that continues to grow, however, is how to keep malicious attacks from occurring within complex distribution systems. While the foreseeable future does not include sentient robots, network managers do worry that their complex systems may be taken over by other intruders-from insiders to corporate spies to foreign governments.
In this Discussion, you will analyse a complex distribution system for security vulnerabilities, and compare potential solutions to choices made by a Fortune 500 company.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Choose and research three complex distribution systems (but do not choose power plant or airplane cockpit).
To complete this Discussion:
Post: Critique each of the three complex distribution systems you selected. Define how well defended each system is from attack. List possible vulnerabilities and outcomes (both to the system and to society) of a vulnerability breach. Compare one of your choices to administration of a Fortune 500 Company Network. Compare and contrast technological similarities, differences, vulnerabilities and management mobility.
ISO Network Management Model
The ISO Network Management Model helps IT managers view management as functional areas, allowing clearer decision making and security strategy processes.
The ISO network management model's five functional areas are listed below (Cisco, no date):
• Fault Management-Detect, isolate, notify and correct faults encountered in the network.
• Configuration Management-Configuration aspects of network devices such as configuration file management, inventory management and software management.
• Performance Management-Monitor and measure various aspects of performance so that overall performance can be maintained at an acceptable level.
• Security Management-Provide access to network devices and corporate resources to authorised individuals.
• Accounting Management-Usage information of network resources.
Cisco (No Date) ‘Network management', Network management system: best practices white paper [Online]. Available from: (Accessed: 29 April 2014).
In this Discussion, you will consider each of these five areas, and scenarios in which there is some ambiguity about the correct decision regarding each area.
To complete this Discussion
Post: Submit an essay in which you imagine you are a Senior Network Administrator. Describe your encounter with five scenarios; each uniquely corresponded to one of five ISO functional areas, where you would be in a ‘grey area' about a decision to be made. For each scenario, recommend one different networking tool that might be beneficial.