Research cloud collaboration service

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Reference no: EM133092153

Research a cloud collaboration service. Some collaboration service categories include:

Project management

Calendar sharing tools

File sharing and synchronization tools

Instant messaging

Video conferencing

In a Word document, identify the following and write a brief summary of what you learned in your research:

The features and functionality of the collaboration service

Who provides the service and billing/pricing options

Whether the service is aligned towards personal or business use.

Reference no: EM133092153

Questions Cloud

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Support customer interactions : As Customers, Students, Patients, Taxpayers, And Citizens, We Are Surrounded By Information Systems That Support Customer Interactions.
Cloud service model : Cloud Service model with similar On-Premise deployment
Synchronous and asynchronous collaboration tools : Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous collaboration tools.
Research cloud collaboration service : Research cloud collaboration service. Some collaboration service categories. Who provides the service and billing/pricing options
Discusses how computer hardware and memory : Discusses how computer hardware and memory are likely to be transformed over the next 5 years.
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Ethics for the information age : In addition to your preferred ethical framework(s) above, what other factors do you generally consider when addressing moral questions?
Discuss the evolution of electronic heath records : Discuss the evolution of electronic heath records and the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated records systems.


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