Reference no: EM132595566
The entrepreneurs you learned and wrote about last week have all been successful in at least one of their endeavors, if not many. They have created and managed some of the most successful ventures in history. Most of them started with just an idea for a new product, a new process, or a new service. The difference between them and everyone else with an idea is innovation, the process of bringing that idea to life.
What You'll Need
Your tech kit including laptop
Internet for research
At least 3 credible sources (Wikipedia does not count)
Research a business started by a famous entrepreneur. You must choose a business started by an entrepreneur other than one you chose.
In a Word document, explain the following:
What is the company? How was it started?
Who is involved in it? What is their entrepreneurial role?
What trends did the business follow?
What was the process of ideation?
What role did innovation play in the company?
What was done well? Why do you think so?
What could have been improved? Why? How would you improve it?
Were mistakes made? How could they have been avoided avoided? Explain your reasoning.
What would you do differently?
What essential resources were used to start the business?
What can you learn from this study that will help you in your career?
Caterpillar vision and caterpillar global strategy
: Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement.
Companies that utilize external recruiting processes
: Use the Internet to research companies that utilize external recruiting processes
Describe how mobility effects employee retention-turnover
: Discuss how employee mobility differs from traditional upward mobility in organizations with alternative mobility paths
Defining and creating are all about innovation
: Defining and creating are all about innovation, according to Guy Kawasaki, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, advisor to Google, and former Apple executive.
Research business started by famous entrepreneur
: Research a business started by a famous entrepreneur. You must choose a business started by an entrepreneur other than one you chose.
What is the new business idea
: What is the new business idea? Describe your target geographic location. What resources will you need to get started?
Develop questionnaire to measure owners satisfaction
: Suppose Toyota Company has asked you to develop a questionnaire to measure owners‘ satisfaction with the servicing of their vehicles.
What was the selling price of the machine
: A distributor purchases a machine for $185,000, less discounts of 5% and 3%. What was the selling price of the machine
What is total amount of bad debt expense that Hopper needs
: Greater than 90 days 38,760 4.5% What is the total amount of bad debt expense that Hopper needs to record for the December 31, 20X3, fiscal year