Reference no: EM131478914
Why do aboriginal and torres strait islander children and youth in australia still experience significant inequalities in health?
1. Task description
1. 10 minute video (use your mobile phone or book a time in the One Button Studio at Bundoora campus) uploaded to LMS site via link
2. Provide complete reference list showing all your sources of information, ideas and data. Use APA6 referencing style (refer to
3. Provide coversheet showing: Title and number of assessment task, date, your name, your ID number, your La Trobe email address, subject title and code, number of words.
To understand the determinants of health in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth, and critically examine strategies used to improve health outcomes in these populations over the past 50 years and their impacts.
For this assignment, you will research and prepare a 10-minute video (equivalent to a 1500 word essay) on the following topic:
The federal Minister for Health has received the ninth Closing the Gap Report and is concerned that, in spite of good intentions and significant funding by successive governments, Australia is not on track to close the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and other Australians by 2031 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2017).
The Minister is particularly concerned about the mixed record of success in meeting the health targets set, the entrenched inequalities in health outcomes and the long-term implications of this for the health and wellbeing of Indigenous populations.
Your team has been appointed to investigate the question:
Why do Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations still experience significant health inequalities in Australia?
Approaching the task:
You will include consideration of this quote in your video:
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is viewed in a holistic context, that encompasses mental health and physical, cultural and spiritual health. Land is central to wellbeing. Crucially, it must be understood that when the harmony of these interrelations is disrupted, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ill health will persist." (Department of Health, 2016)
You will also identify and critically review three or more strategies that have been used to improve the health of Indigenous children and youth in Australia over the past 50 years.