Research and identify current trends and drivers for change

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Reference no: EM132351903 , Length: word count:3000

Managing and Leading Strategic Change Assignment -

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment - On completion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:

1. Critically analyse and evaluate the nature of the relationships between an organisations' environment and forces for change.

2. Critically evaluate key issues arising from the management and leadership of change.

3. Critically appraise management and leadership responses in relation to change forces, and emerging organisational dynamics.

4. Structure and communicate ideas and arguments effectively in writing, and reference source materials consistently and accurately using the Harvard referencing system.

Assessment Overview -

Overview - The Assignment context "...the competencies that helped the current leaders succeed may not be appropriate for the next generation of leaders. Next generation leaders require different skills, behaviours, and insights for the challenges ahead..." (Conger 2004).

One of the most significant of these challenges will be the necessity to understand change and its underpinning, emergent dynamics in order to lead and manage successful and sustainable organisational change. Many organisations such as CMI, CBI, CIPD conduct and commission research across a range of sectors to help inform effective organisational responses to the opportunities and threats arising from change.

Assessment - Responding to the challenges of change: a Briefing document

This assignment requires you to conduct research, then plan and produce a 3000 word Briefing report Document.

As a graduate you are likely to be involved with Briefing documents/papers to support a range of organisational activities, and will see them presented in various formats dependent on the purpose. They are often used within organisations to clearly and concisely present research findings when considering strategic options and choices. Given this purpose they are particularly helpful for contemporary organisations when trying to assess and make sense of strategic opportunities and threats generated by a complex and dynamic mix of both external and internal forces. Building on this feature effective briefing documents can then be used to inform and evaluate appropriate organisational responses in support of sustainable development and change.

Note - Sector is healthcare for labor worker and company is MCR CLINIC.

Assessment Brief -

Required task(s) - The Briefing report document for this assignment has three sections and the requirements for each of the sections are introduced below;

Section 1 -

(a) Select and justify an appropriate focus for the Briefing document (i.e. chosen sector/industry etc.). See the notes below offering ideas for shaping a focus.

(b) Research and identify the current trends and drivers for change that are influencing and impacting on organisations operating within the chosen sector/industry.

(c) Given the trends identified above identify two or three key areas of change that managers/leaders within organisations may be required to work with.

Section 2 -

Drawing on the key findings of Section1 you are required to apply ideas and theory from appropriate academic sources in order to evaluate how managers/leaders and organisations may respond effectively to key aspects of the organisational dynamics likely to be generated by the areas of change identified.

Section 3 -

As a conclusion the final section requires you to draw on the evaluation and discussion within the Briefing document to establish the key elements of learning in terms of approaches, skills and qualities etc. for leading/managing sustainable responses to change.

The maximum word count is: 3,000 words (+/- 10%).

Recommended structure - The report should be structured as follows:

  • Title page
  • Contents page
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Main body
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendices (if needed)

The report must be formal in content, structure, language, style and presentation using the formatting requirements set below and it must demonstrate academic rigour expected at this level of study.

Recommended reading list and resources - Recommended and Background reading

Randall, J. (2004). Managing Change/Changing Managers. Routledge. Available as an e-book.

Rollinson, D. (2002). Organisational Behaviour and Analysis: an Integrated Approach. Pearson Education. Available as an e-book through myiLibrary.

Reference no: EM132351903

Questions Cloud

Develop and keep great employees : Would you recommend this book "75 ways for managers to hire, develop and keep great employees" to others? Why or why not?
Approach enforcing this policy to the different generational : In other words, how would you approach enforcing this policy to the different generational cohorts working for you?
Involvestracking impact of digital technology on daily life : This week's experiential exercise involvestracking the impact of digital technology on your daily life.
Elaborate a teaching plan for a patient : Elaborate a teaching plan for a patient with Congetive heart failure and Chronic Kidney Disease referent to hydratation and fluid intake.
Research and identify current trends and drivers for change : MAN6005 Managing and Leading Strategic Change Assignment, Birmingham City University, UK. Research and identify current trends and drivers for change
Algebraic integration for a range of functions : Difference between algebraic integration and numerical techniques. You will consider both the trapezoidal ruleand one of the numerical techniques
How system software is different from application software : Define software. Explain how system software is different from application software. Describe network operating system (NOS). Describe enterprise applications.
More pessimistic about the effects that digital technology : Are you generally optimistic or more pessimistic about the effects that digital technology will have on the experience of being a human person?
Analyze the dynamics of the story and characters : Use 1 of the movies listed below as a case study to analyze the dynamics of the story and characters through the structure and human resource frames.



8/5/2019 12:00:12 AM

Word count - The maximum word count is: 3,000 words (+/- 10%). The word limit is for your coursework assignment, and does not cover material submitted as an appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not be marked unless specified in the brief. Also, it is important that you cross-refer between the main text of your assignment and any appendices, in order to demonstrate the linkage, and that the appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to this work in the Appendix, then this included work in the Appendices are not marked.


8/5/2019 12:00:06 AM

Your references page will not be included in the word count, but inline citations used in the main body of the assignment (e.g. Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…) will be included in the word count. You are required to declare the number of words used in your assignment. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the assessment requirements. Formatting and presentation - The assignment should be word-processed and double line spaced. Use of bullet points should be avoided or used sparingly - Use Arial size 11 point for your assignments, full justified. Each page should be numbered except for the contents pages (if any) and Presentation must be formal in language and style and must adhere to the structure given above.


8/4/2019 11:59:57 PM

Referencing - All work should be referenced using the Harvard format - there are handouts available online at the library website and are available as hard copy in the library if you are unsure of this. Exercise caution when using Wikipedia, Google or Yahoo – the former is not peer assessed and the work is not always reliable and the later are search engines. Do not rely too heavily or exclusively on such sources. Use textbooks and journal articles (newspaper articles may at times be acceptable). You should however, make more reliance on journal articles as these are peer reviewed and are often more recent than text books. If you are to use text books, these should be the latest so it is important to check whether you have the latest edition. Citations should be used very minimally and in limited circumstances, you may reference lecture material such as handouts and presentation slides.


8/4/2019 11:59:50 PM

Submission - You are required to declare the word count for each section of your report. Please submit the hard copy of your assignment into the Europe Universities’ assignment drop box at Level 2 Wilkie Edge to the right of the Reception Counter (when facing the counter) at the same level. Please tap your Kaplan Student Card when submitting your assignment. Penalties for late submission - Assessments submitted between one and 24 hours after the published deadline will be reduced by 5% of the actual mark. Assessments submitted between 24 hours and five working days after the published deadline will be reduced by 10% of the actual mark. Work submitted more than five working days after the published deadline will not be marked and the student will be deemed to have failed an attempt at the assessment. If a student has a Disability Support Summary recommending additional time to complete coursework, the penalties will only apply from the alternative deadline given.


8/4/2019 11:59:44 PM

Marking criteria - Appropriate focus and analysis and evaluation demonstrated which leads into an excellent justification. Excellent evidence of research and identification of the significant trends which specifically refer to impacts and influences on the organisation. High levels of analysis and evaluation demonstrated. Three key areas of change identified with excellent explanations underpinned with thorough analysis and evaluation. Excellent ideas and theory from appropriate academic sources which supports a high level of evaluation. Excellent level of evaluation and discussion within the Briefing document to establish the key elements of learning in terms of approaches, skills and qualities.

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