Research and define the objectives of an investigation

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Reference no: EM133155872

Assignment Details

Learning outcome 1: Identify an area of research and define the objectives of an investigation with the use of appropriate evidence and other supporting information.

Learning outcome 2: Plan a research strategy including, where appropriate, experimental and computational studies.

Learning outcome 3: Search for and retrieve appropriate literature relevant to research topic and from a range of sources.

Learning outcome 4: Conduct a programme and report the findings by use of accepted methods of analysis and evaluation and demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of subject area.

Learning outcome 5: Disseminate research outcomes and communicate arguments logically and clearly.

You are required to submit:

i) Two (soft bound for marking)complete printed copies; and ii) One electronic copy of the Final Dissertation, including Appendices

Note: None of these copies of your dissertation will be returned to you. You will need to make further copies if you wish to keep your own copy of the report.

The two main reports must be bound so that pages cannot be easily removed. However, appendices containing bulky material may be grouped together separately in suitable binders or containers (A4 ring binders are acceptable). All such separate materials must have the dissertation title with the student's name, number, year of submission and supervisor's name clearly shown on the outside.

The word limit is 8,000 words (+/-10%). This excludes footnotes and appendices but includes quotations. The appendices should not normally exceed 2,000 words. Dissertations are assessed by quality - not quantity. Part of the technique of technical writing is to get over an unambiguous message in a clear and succinct document. Marks will be reduced if there is evidence of padding, duplication or inessential illustrations or appendices.

Typical Example of Dissertation Format

i) Title Page

ii) Abstract

iii) Acknowledgements

iv) Contents Page

v) List of Illustrative Materials

vi) Chapter 1: General Introduction
1.1 Introduction (hypothesis, if any)
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.3 Research Methodology
1.4 Summary of Dissertation (chapter summaries)
1.5 Main Achievements (related to 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3)

vii) Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction
2.? Summary

Other Chapters as necessary

vii) Chapter (n-1): Research
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Methodology
3.3 Data
3.4 Analysis and Discussion
3.5 Summary

viii) Chapter (n): Conclusions and Recommendations
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Conclusions and Recommendations
4.3 Recommendations for Further Research

ix) References (if using Harvard System or similar)

x) Bibliography (if any)

xi) Appendices

xii) Index (if supplied) - not really necessary in an undergraduate work

xiii) Oversize Materials


Pagination of the body of the text is to be in Arabic numerals in the centre bottom of the page. The pagination begins with the first page of the first chapter and runs continuously through the material forming the body of the text. All blank pages and inserted pages containing tables, maps, photographs, etc. are to be numbered within the main sequence.

Pagination of material preceding the body of the text is to be in small Roman numerals.

The body of the text is to be double spaced in Times New Roman 12 or 10 point Arial, Verdana or equivalent; footnotes (only if absolutely necessary) are to be single spaced. Body text should be left and right justified.

Where footnotes are used, they should be placed at the bottom of each page rather than at the end of each chapter or at the end of the dissertation. A line should be drawn beneath the text across the page to separate the text from the footnote. Care should be taken to complete a footnote on the page where it is mentioned in the text in order to avoid continuing it on the following page. Footnotes may be numbered consecutively through chapters or, preferably, start with number one - (1) - on each page, which is the most practical of the two methods of numbering.

The left, or binding, margin should be not less than 3.0 cm. The top and right margins of each page should measure approximately 2.5 cm and the bottom margin 1.5 cm after the last line of footnotes. If footnotes are not used, the bottom margin should be 2.5 cm, central within which should be the page number.

The metric system should be used throughout the dissertation.

All illustrative material, eg photographs, figures, tables, etc, should carry a title beneath and, in italics, an acknowledgement of source (if any) and should be numbered consecutively, but separately, through the text or through any appendices. (ie Tables 1 - n, Figures 1 - n, Photos 1 - n)

A separate bibliography, ie a list of relevant books, etc, to which no specific reference has been made may be included at the rear of the work in which case, the listing should be alphabetically by author surname.

Material Preceding the Body of Text

There should be no variation from the following order:
• A blank sheet.
• Title page of dissertation - this should not be numbered.
• Copyright notice (if any).
An Abstract of not less than two hundred and not more than five hundred words (preferably a single page) shall be a part of each dissertation and will contain information on all of the substantive features of the work. It will be written in single line spacing and the top of each page shall contain the following statement:

Abstract of a dissertation entitled ...title ... title ... title ...submitted by ... name ... name ... name ... for BSc (Hons) in ... award title ... award title ... award title ... at the University of Central Lancashire in ... month and year

Acknowledgement(s) - make acknowledgements to persons and organisations that have provided special assistance and to supervisors, etc.

Table of Contents - the table of contents begins with the Abstract and lists all of the main parts/sections of the dissertation in order thereafter. Paginate all material preceding the main body of the text using small Roman numerals.

List of Illustrative Materials - If needed, separate listings of page references for illustrative materials such as Figures, Tables and Maps will follow the table of contents on a separate page or pages having the same style as the table of contents page.

Illustrative materials should have titles, be numbered in Arabic numerals and should carry an acknowledgement of their source, if not original.

Material Following the Body of the Text

References and/or Bibliography
References should be presented in the order that they appear in the dissertation, using the reference citation format for academic journal papers, conference papers, research reports and books in an internationally accepted format used by the discipline in which the study lies.

Appendix or appendices
These, if used, should start with a plain sheet containing the word "Appendix" in the top right hand corner (or "Appendix n") and shall have the title of the appendix and a list of its contents in approximately the centre of the page. Details of the contents of all appendices shall also be included in the main contents list at the front of the work.

Oversize materials: - e.g., maps, computer printouts, etc.
These shall be placed in a map pocket or in an appropriately-sized folder bound into the back of the work, each item shall be numbered appropriately and referenced in the main text. Details of the contents of any oversize materials collection shall also be included in the main contents list at the front of the work.

Attachment:- Dissertation Brief.rar

Reference no: EM133155872

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