Research about the nervous system

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133328272

The Nervous System

Using the Internet, research about the nervous system. Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:

Evaluate and distinguish among the divisions and functions of the ANS and the importance of dual innervations.

Categorize the exteroceptors and interoceptors and provide examples of each.

Summarize the sensory pathways to the brain for gustatory and olfactory sensations.

Analyze and describe the process of hearing from the external to inner ear.

Analyze and describe how the ear provides equilibrium and balance for the body.

Reference no: EM133328272

Questions Cloud

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Discuss philosophers-thinkers as socrates : We've also discussed such philosophers/thinkers as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Princess Elisabeth, Hume, King, and Thoreau.
Elevated blood glucose levels : Which hormone is released in response to elevated blood glucose levels? When this hormone is properly release how does it lower blood glucose levels?
Research about the nervous system : Summarize the sensory pathways to the brain for gustatory and olfactory sensations. describe the process of hearing from the external to inner ear.
What is the social, cultural and historical world of author : What is the social, cultural and historical world of the author; What does the text reveal of the culture at this time and what point of view does the author
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Explain the central moral claims : Explain the central moral claims and moral point of view elaborated by the song. This should be the heart of the essay.
About several human body systems : you learned about several human body systems, their organs and structures, their functions, and the disorders that can affect them.


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