Reference no: EM131329202
The course research project/presentation is a more formal research project on a specific theatre topic studied or prominent in the field. The presentation should be on one of the theatrical topics listed below...or elect to pick a topic of your own (with approval by the instructor).
Early Theatre: The Greek City Dionysia Festival
Japanese Kabuki Theatre
Christopher Marlowe: The Other Elizabethan Playwright
Lord Chamberlain's Men
London's Historic Drury Lane Theatre
Tennessee Williams and Society's Outcasts
American Musicals by Stephen Sondheim
Theatre in Prisons
The Tony Awards
Stage Musicals on Film
Areas that could be covered by this presentation include (but are not limited by) the following:
a general history of the period, event, playwright, etc.
staging and production conventions, if applicable
plays and/or other related productions produced
audience responses to or involvement in theatre
Unlike other assignments in this course, the presentation is not necessarily a normal written essay (though an enhanced written research project would be acceptable). Think originality and creativity...that is, graphics, charts, images/videos, Powerpoint/Prezi programs, audio or visual presentations, etc. are all accepted and encouraged. If created in Word, 6-8 page limit is recommended.
What are the memory requirements for this type of search
: Describe how exactly you would perform a collision search to find a pair x1, x2, such that h(x1) = h(x2) for a given hash function h. What are the memory requirements for this type of search if the hash function has an output length of n bits?
Which cruical property of hash functions is missing in this
: "Break" the hash function by pointing out how it is possible to find (meaningful) character strings which result in the same hash value. Provide an appropriate example.
Research paper on asian countries languages
: Asian countries languages - Is the subject specialized in nature? Will the audience be? Do you expect your audience to have some foreknowledge of your subject? If not, consider a lengthier introduction.
Using the information fill in the missing values below
: On the day preceding the day quoted below, IBM's stock closed at $93.39 and Merck's stock closed at $44.21. Using this information, fill in the missing values below.
Research about the japanese kabuki theatre
: Research about the Given Topics: Early Theatre: The Greek City Dionysia Festival,Japanese Kabuki Theatre,Christopher Marlowe: The Other Elizabethan Playwright,Lord Chamberlain's Men,London's Historic Drury Lane Theatre,Tennessee Williams and Society'..
Show everything that oscar must do for a successful attack
: His goal is to alter messages and provide these with a digital signature which will check out correctly on Alice's side. Show everything that Oscar must do for a successful attack.
How recommendations will help the company achieve its vision
: Explain how the recommendations will help the company achieve its strategy and vision. Are there changes to the target market segment, value proposition, or positioning of the product or service line needed?
Design a security service that provides data integrity
: Give a rationale that data integrity, confidentiality and nonrepudiation are achieved by your solution. (Recommendation: Consider the corresponding threats in your argumentation.)
Review the revenue cycle process
: Review the revenue cycle process that is discussed in your text and other peer-reviewed journal articles. Research how a financial management system can be used to automate the revenue cycle and ultimately improve the patient experience