Reference no: EM132899534
Michael is a fraud analyst who is planning to conduct a research about the effect of whistleblowers to mitigate fraud occurrence in Malaysian local authority bodies. While developing his research objectives, he discovered two problem statements as follows:
Problem Statement 1:
Whistleblowing is usually not restricted to issues that only affect an individual; it is concerned with issues that affect the whole of society. However, the identity of whistleblowers always needs to be hidden to protect their own safety. This is why there are not many researches being conducted on whistleblowers.
Problem Statement 2:
Fraud prevention frameworks have been introduced by various parties such as KPMG, Ernst & Young and others. However, the proposed fraud prevention framework is still not solving fraud from happening. Using a Fraud Prevention Model developed by Rosli et al. (2020), attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral controls is argued to have significant impact towards perceived locus of control among staff in an organization.
(a) Based on your opinion, recommend the most suitable unit of analysis that can be used for this research.
(b) Identify the type of reasoning for the two problem statements; and discuss FOUR (4) differences between both reasonings.
(c) Describe FOUR (4) phases in hypothetico-deductive method of research process that Michael will have to follow if he is to do the quantitative study based on these problem statements.