Research a writing guide for forensics organization

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1354046

Q1) Your manager has asked you to research and recommend a writing guide that examiners in your computer forensics organization will use for all official written reports. Conduct research on the Internet to find information about style manuals and technical and legal writing guides. You should also research writing guides from professional associations, such as the IEEE and the American Psychological Association. Write a 2-3 page report recommending a style manual and/or technical/legal writing guide for your organization to use and explain the reasons for your recommendations.

Reference no: EM1354046

Questions Cloud

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Determine company projected net income : Corporation x recently reported the following 2008 income statement in millions of dollars, this year the company is forecasting a 25 percent increase in sales.
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Research a writing guide for forensics organization : Your manager has asked you to research and recommend a writing guide that examiners in your computer forensics organization will use for all official written reports.
Symptoms of depression across cultures : What are some of the variations that exist in symptoms of depression across cultures?
Illustrate what was the cost of recalls per year : Illustrate what was the cost of recalls per year before the software was purchased if the company did exactlyy recover its investment in 4 years from the 10% reduction.
Audit evidence-validity of sources of evidence : The third GAAS of field work requires that the auditor obtain sufficient competent audit evidence to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion regarding the financial statements under audit.
Calculation of fixed assets or sales ratio : Corporation x has 5 billion in sales and 1.7 billion in fixed assets. currently the corporation's fixed assets are operating at 90% of capacity.


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