Research a legal system of a foreign country

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131482203 , Length: word count:2000

PART A - You have to choose one of the following questions:

Question 1 - Provide a summary of the constitution that your tribe developed in Workshop 1, Tasks 1 and 2, explaining how it addresses the requirements for Hart's 3-part legal system.

Question 2 - Research a legal system of a foreign country and explain how it addresses the requirements of Hart's 3-part legal system. (If you do this question, you will need to provide a reference list).

PART B -  

Question 3 - Compare the legal system you described in Part A to the Australian legal system, showing how they are similar and how they differ. In your conclusion, state your opinion on which difference between the legal systems would have the biggest effect in practice.


In this part, your task is to research a case and report to your supervising partner (your boss!) on the significance of the case to the Australian law of contract. You MUST do the report as a YouTube video and the link for the video must be included in your assignment. Your YouTube video must be set to either 'Public' or 'Protected' so that the marker can view it. If the link does not work for the marker, you get no marks for this part.

You MUST choose a case relating to the law in one of modules, 3 ,4 or 5 of the course. It must be a case referred to in either the textbook or the Class Notes. (Cases in the Class Notes that are not in the textbook may be found in alternative textbooks on Business Law or Commercial Law). Your assignment must include a reference for the case.

You MUST use the IRAC method for describing the issues in the case, the legal rules that arose, how those rules were applied to the facts if the case, and what the conclusion was in the case.

Your face must appear in the video. You should not be reading from a script, but you can use notes to prompt your talking.


In this part, your task is again to research a single case and report to your supervising partner advising him or her about the case. However, this time, it must be a case in which a contract was induced by misleading and deceptive conduct, either under s 18 of the Australian Consumer Law or the old s 52 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Oh.). (This means that it must be an Australian case). The report MUST be done in writing using the IRAC method.

It must not only analyse the case in terms of the statutory remedy of misleading and deceptive conduct, but also analyse how the case would have been decided under the common law of misrepresentation. There will therefore be two conclusions, one for the statutory action, and another for the common law. (Misrepresentation and misleading and deceptive conduct are in Module 6 of the course).

Reference no: EM131482203

Questions Cloud

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Research a legal system of a foreign country : Research a legal system of a foreign country and explain how it addresses the requirements of Hart's 3-part legal system
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5/3/2017 1:56:53 AM

Part A, B and D, 2000 words. For Part C, just give me the Case Name, include it in assignment, and I will do the research for this part. I just need you to add the case name, the case that i said to you to mention the name only should be related to breach of contract which is not mentioned in the question. So Please make note of that as well. Demonstrates imagination, originality or flair, based on proficiency in all the learning outcomes of the unit; work is interesting or surprisingly exciting, challenging, well read or scholarly.


5/3/2017 1:56:47 AM

Here, the student will have done everything well, provided some original insights, and formulated their answer in a tight, efficient, thoroughly professional manner. Their explanations and arguments will have a strong logical flow and be convincing. Their research, particularly in Parts B, C and D, will be thorough. The university policy on extensions of time will be strictly enforced. Extensions will only be considered if made via the online system and must be based on medical or compassionate grounds. Any extension application should be made before the due date for submission. Medical conditions should be supported by a medical certificate, and, since students are expected to start the assignment early, temporary or last-minute conditions are usually not grounds for an extension. Professionals are expected to manage their time to meet their obligations, so work or personal commitments are insufficient grounds for an extension.

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