Requiring special-education programs

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Reference no: EM133289746


A premature baby born at 24 weeks gestation (5½ months), weighing about a pound, can be saved-at the cost of more than $300,000. But that is just the start. Many "preemie" children continue to have problems in school, requiring special-education programs. Provide an argument for saving children born prematurely. Likewise, discuss ways in which a mother can better ensure a healthy infant.

Reference no: EM133289746

Questions Cloud

Why is it important to have a proper diet and nutrition : Why is it important to have a proper diet and nutrition? Why is carbohydrate intake important, especially for athletes?
Disparities in education since civil rights movement : What has changed in terms of racial disparities in education since the Civil Rights movement?
Analyze return on assets and return on equity : create a valuation of the organization, present the information as you would to stakeholders/shareholders in the organization (remember there is a difference)
Culture influences understanding of diagnosis of disorder : Explain how culture influences understanding of the diagnosis of the disorder. Explain how misdiagnosis of these disorders can affect clients.
Requiring special-education programs : Many "preemie" children continue to have problems in school, requiring special-education programs.
Explain importance of leadership to team : Explain the importance of leadership to a team. Explain leadership practices you incorporated into your leadership style.
Modern communications : How has bhutan their culture changed, a decade later, now that there are modern communications? Do you think this change was inevitable?
Discuss the current valuation of the organization : Discuss the current valuation of the organization. So you will analyze their return on assets, return on equity, cost analysis, and other concepts
Mass media within democracy : Explain the dilemma created by increasing private ownership over the mass media within a democracy.


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