Required to implement parties - pair programming

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13744459

Pair Programming

The Boost methodology mandates the use of pair programming the programming for the assignment can be performed in pairs (and pairs should be formed from within a lab group). If you can't form a pair you may choose to develop this by yourself (although this is discouraged). If you choose to take advantage of working with a partner, you must declare your partner in your final report this is a more difficult task and should only be attempted when you have finished the rest of the assignment. You should keep a separate version of the rest of the assignment.

In this task you are required to implement Parties. The player should be in his/her own Party and there can be other Parties (both hostile and non-hostile) as well. You should implement the user stories

- Ask character to join party

- Ask character to leave party

- Flee hostile partyText Based Adventure Game

You have just been short listed for a job as a software developer for the firm "Geek Games". The CEO of Geek Games, Mr Will Bates, has agreed to trial you for a month, after which he will decide whether you get the job or not. Mr Bates has informed you all the short listed applicants have been arranged into teams of 2 and have been given the same task to perform.

The task is to build a prototype game engine for playing Role Playing Games (RPGs), the game is to be played from the first person perspective with users typing commands at a text console and receiving information back from the game. Commands would typically allow a user to interact with their virtual world (eg: move to the north, pick up the sword, talk to the barman, attack the troll).

Mr Bates feels that this is the next strategic market for Geek Games and wants to hire programmers with a flair for this area. He suggests you research other games of this genre like Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Zork or any of the various MUDs (Multi User Dungeons) available on the internet.

Mr Bates has presented you with the following information to get you started:

1. A (very cheesy) introductory story for the game, to set the scene

Reference no: EM13744459

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