Require managers to write short articles for newsletter

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132684327

Discussion: Societal Marketing

Customers have high expectations about companies and brands they prefer. Stakeholders presume an organization will consider what is best for society when selling its products and services alongside what will benefit earnings.

Today, societal marketing is on the rise as more companies consider the value proposition of their image beyond features and benefits of a product or service. Societal marketing takes into account issues such as the environment, fair trade, and the overall betterment of society.

Organizations often require managers to write short articles for newsletter or blog publication. Becoming comfortable writing this style of commentary for a general audience is important in an era in which media can be authored by anyone.

The focus of your work will be social responsibility of the chosen company. This is a public relations-style article. Today's consumers of media want quick, informative, and exciting information. It can be written in 1st or 3rd person.

This post should be 200-300 words in length. If you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in

APA format

1st Interactive Response:
• Select one article and critique it. Ask questions or provide advice that will improve it.
2nd Interactive Response:
• Select another article and critique it. Ask questions or provide advice that will improve it.

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 75 words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say "I agree" or "That is great." Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use research in your responses, but it is not required.

Reference no: EM132684327

Questions Cloud

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Difference between general intent and specific intent crimes : Analyze why these fundamental principles of criminal law are necessary to create a crime. Discuss the difference between general intent and specific intent.
Require managers to write short articles for newsletter : Require managers to write short articles for newsletter or blog publication. Becoming comfortable writing this style of commentary for a general audience
Evaluation of the success of the calworks program : Social Work Research: Program Evaluation, Evaluation of the success of the CALWORKS program based on the information presented in the case study.
Determine for both companies the inventory turnover : Determine for both companies the inventory turnover. Interpret the inventory ratios by considering Dell's and Hewlett-Packard's operating strategies
Explain the difference between resource based view : 1. Explain the difference between Resource Based View and Industrial Organization using any company examples.
Identify the human services administrator : Identify the human services administrator and briefly share one example of how he or she provided transparency and accountability


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