Represent valued advantage of network structure

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Reference no: EM132133719

1. Which of these represent a valued advantage of a network structure?

a) Control over each piece of the system

b) An easy switch to this structure from any other type

c) Lower costs and flexibility

d) Simplicity of operating the structures

2. Without any training, your employee has productivity equal to $40,000. After the training, her productivity increases to $45,000. The training costs $1,000. For each part below, draw a graph with time (divided into the training and post-training periods) on the X-axis and productivity on the Y-axis. Show who (the employee or the firm) will pay for the training and who will receive the reward of the increased productivity. Explain why you believe that party (the employee or the firm) should be the one paying for the training. Explain also how that party will pay for the training.

a) The training covers basic business software such as QuickBooks.

b) The training is a mix of business software and the firm’s particular methods and policies regarding payroll.

c) The “training” is time spent meeting the firm’s clients and business associates.

Reference no: EM132133719

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