Represent some attributes or variables on a single screen

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM131841474

You need to do a project using R studio software. You need to make a dashboard for company India TV.


Our main aim is to represent some attributes or variables on a single screen, so that they can visualise their data on one screen.

What I need is that I need multiple variables on left on which we can click & see corresponding data in form of graphs on right screen. We can place multiple graphs at max 4 on the right side of the screen.

I have attached an outlay which I have drawn on paper. It will help you understand what I am expecting. We can use 'ShinnyApp' or Plotly or 'Flexi dashboard for R' for making the work easy & creating the dashboard.

Attached screenshot of some coding example for building dashboard easily.

You need to prepare a report & ppt for the same.

About Data:

The data is for 1st two weeks of January.

The first column is for Year & week. The second column is for "Time Band", there are two time band one from 02:00 to 26:00 hours & the second one is 06:00 to 24:00 hours. You will see data divided into these two categories. Next Column is name of the Channel. Next is Markets or you can say State or Region. For the other columns I have mentioned the details in the excel sheet itself.

Here they get data every week. So what they are after is that they can simply import or read data into R studio & can update dashboard.

Mention the comments in coding.


Reference no: EM131841474

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Represent some attributes or variables on a single screen : Our main aim is to represent some attributes or variables on a single screen, so that they can visualise their data on one screen
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1/31/2018 6:24:13 AM

About Data: The data is for 1st two weeks of January. The first column is for Year & week. The second column is for "Time Band", there are two time band one from 02:00 to 26:00 hours & the second one is 06:00 to 24:00 hours. You will see data divided into these two categories. Next Column is name of the Channel. Next is Markets or you can say State or Region. For the other columns I have mentioned the details in the excel sheet itself. Here they get data every week. So what they are after is that they can simply import or read data into R studio & can update dashboard. Also if the person can mention the comments in coding it would be helpful for me to explain to brother & for him for future understanding. I have attached the data & images with the mail in word File.


1/31/2018 6:24:07 AM

I need a project using R studio software. In this we need to make a dashboard for company India TV. My brother is doing an internship from their & this is the project. Our main aim is to represent some attributes or variables on a single screen, so that they can visualise their data on one screen. What I need is that I need multiple variables on left on which we can click & see corresponding data in form of graphs on right screen. We can place multiple graphs at max 4 on the right side of the screen. I have attached an outlay which I have drawn on paper. It will help you understand what I am expecting. We can use 'ShinnyApp' or Plotly or 'Flexi dashboard for R' for making the work easy & creating the dashboard. I have also attached screenshot of some coding example for building dashboard easily. I can do most of the coding but don't have time. Also I need a report & ppt. for the same if possible. Also it would be helpful if I am able to talk to the person directly. As it will help him to understand what we need & also he will get a clear image about the project.

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