Represent psychosocial impact of palliative care

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Reference no: EM133248734

1. When considering the palliative care principle of 'promotes quality of life', how is that best represented considering the following scenario - A 40 year old female diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, who is currently independent and self-caring, a doctor has advised the patient there is an experimental surgical procedure that may or may not add a few months to their life.

A. Considering the bioethical principles of beneficence and maleficence, this procedure should not be performed

B. Considering the bioethical principles of beneficence and autonomy, this procedure should be performed

C. Considering the bioethical principles of autonomy and veracity, this procedure should not be performed

E. Considering the bioethical principles of autonomy and veracity, this procedure should be performed

2. Which of the following best represent the psychosocial impact of palliative care?

A. Fear of pain, death and dying, the distress brought on by the treatment and social withdrawal

B. Pain, social withdrawal, fear of death and dying

C. Family stress, social withdrawal, pain and fear of impending treatments

D. Pain, a decrease in physical ability, financial issues and fear of impending treatments

3. When observing your patient who is receiving palliative care you notice the following: Cheyne Stokes breathing and cyanosed finger tips. Why are these signs important and who should be notified?

A. These signs show the patient is at least still one or more weeks away from dying and the nurse should notify the medical staff

B. These signs show the patient is at least still one or more weeks away from dying and the nurse should notify the medical staff and the family

C. These signs show the patient will potentially pass away soon and the nurse should notify the medical staff and the family

D. These signs show the patient will potentially pass away soon and the nurse should notify the medical staff

4. Once a patient has died, what actions should the nurse take to maintain patient dignity?

A. Allow the patient family as long as they want with the patient

B. Straighten the body, remove additional pillows, disconnect all medical devices and allow the family as long as they want with the patient

C. Straighten the body, remove additional pillows, disconnect all medical devices and encourage the family to spend minimal time with the patient

D. Clean the body, remove medical devices and ensure that the body is tagged per policy and procedure

5 After assessing one of your patients, you notice they are in pain. Looking at the drug chart they last had pain relief of 10mg Morphine S/C, 1 hours ago. The legal requirements of the medication order are: Morphine 10mg - 20mg, SC, every 2/24, PRN. What can you offer the patient?

A. The patient will need to wait another hour before they can receive anything to help with their pain

C. The patient can have 10mg of Morphine S/C now to help manage the pain

D. You need to notify medical staff to be able to give anything additional for pain

6. If a stool softener and stimulant did not help with constipation what would be the second choice of treatment

A. Rectal suppository and enema

B. Increase fluid intake

D. Get them to walk more

7. Who can report an autopsy?

a. Family members

b. A doctor

c. All of the above.

Reference no: EM133248734

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