Reference no: EM133488853
1. Very clear to understand and straight to the point, thank you. I really think about problems that come up and even though you were taught how to do something because it "will be useful in the future" why do we still forget. It is actually really interesting how that works. You spend a week learning a lesson and on friday you have a test and all of a sudden you do not remember nothing. Some people just don't care to know which is very different, but I am the type of person do put complete dedication and go blank during a test, and i'm not even anxious, this has happened since I was a little kid where my brother is the complete opposite, he gets homework wrong but aces the test.
2. Working memory "represent a limited capacity store fore renting information over the short term and for performing mental operations on the concepts of this store" (Gazzaniga 2018). Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge and skills. Working memory is crucial when it comes to learning and intelligence. Working memory can determine how items are help in the mind at once and can link them to new concepts in the long term memory. "Working memory can be conceptualized as the information formed by the combination of a takes goal and the perceptual and long-term, knowledge relevant for achieving that goal. this form of dynamic memory emergent from the interactions of prefrontal correct and the rest of the brain" (Gazzaniga 2018). Both working memory and intelligence have a close relationship by playing and important role in developmental areas for children while growing up. both intelligence and working memory work use the prefrontal area of the brain. Children use their prefrontal areas of the. brain to problem solve using working memory, showing more intelligence due to the amount of activity int eh brain.
3. Working memory refers to the capacity to keep and alter information cognitively for brief periods of time and is critical for learning. Working memory is a process, as opposed to rote memory, which involves learning static information passively. While IQ assesses a student's ability to learn, working memory assesses their ability to apply that information. Working memory is connected to important learning outcomes such as reading and math. Working memory relates to learning in terms of short-term memory and long term memory by applying the skills and knowledge necessary to complete a task. For example, While being given directions, remembering a person's address. Before someone finishes narrating a narrative, they keep elements of the chronology in mind. You're dialing a phone number you've just been given. Keeping track of the overall cost of your food while you shop (mental math).
4. Your comments on each of these are on target. We need both of these forms of intelligence to function in daily life. Nicely supported response.
5. Awesome, very informative, I like your example of the creativity it takes. Usually there improvisation, there are areas missing that you have to come up with using the knowledge just learned. When you think of creativity there is usually no rules to it, it is just like a blank canvas and you have to use what you are taught to complete the task. The second example was interesting using that early of an age for crystalized memory, definitely putting the age to the side!
6. Crystallized intelligence is relying on the collection of prior knowledge, skills, and experiences that a person accumulates thought their life (Vinney, 2019). Taking exams, a person's vocabulary and reading comprehension are an illustration of crystallized intelligence. Crystallized intelligence builds upon previously learned information, facts, and skills. For instance, learning a new language would require crystallized intelligence in order to memorize new words and build your new vocabulary (Vinney, 2019). The ability to strategically think and reason abstractly and used when solving puzzles, formulas, and math. Fluid intelligence is unrelated to prior education, knowledge, experiences, or skills, and at a late age, fluid intelligence uses logic and analysis (Vinney, 2019). Unlike Crystallized intelligence Fluid intelligence will deteriorate over time but both intelligence components are significant in our daily lives (Vinney, 2019). For example, when I had to take an exam for my statistic class, I utilize fluid intelligence to come up with a plan for answering statistic problems, but you'll also need to employ crystallized intelligence to remember the precise formulas you'll need as well.
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