Reports inadequate pain relief from chronic pain

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133696049


A 28-year-old client reports inadequate pain relief from chronic pain, frequently missing work due to pain. They are currently using ibuprofen and acetaminophen and adhere to the recommended regimen of exercise, sleep, and healthy eating. They report some relief from a daily antidepressant, prescribed by a psychologist trained in chronic pain management. Despite these interventions, they have ongoing difficulty performing daily tasks such as preparing food and taking out the trash. Which of the following would be one of the most appropriate next steps? Prescribe a low-dose, short-acting opioid. Prescribe a long-acting opioid patch for maximum pain relief. Call the psychologist to request a change in antidepressant medication. Review their medication history on the prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP).

Reference no: EM133696049

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