Reporting the analyses for a designated research project

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131904383 , Length: word count:2000

QRM Assignment - Quantitative Research Methods (QRM)

Students are required to demonstrate their knowledge of quantitative methods by completing and reporting the analyses for a designated research project. Students will submit independently written reports in the style of a short journal article. Students will not be required to design the study, but everyone will be expected to complete six surveys to help generate the data to be analysed.

In what follows, section A) provides details of the specific research project. The text in section B) then provides guidance as to how the reports should be written. Section B1) provides an overview of what is expected of students, while section B2) provides a more specific indication of how marks will be allocated.

The numbers in parentheses (in section B2) provide an estimate of the balance of marks that will be appropriate for each section, although this is notional as students may discuss some issues that would gain marks in a number of sections (e.g. the assumptions of statistical tests - or their power - might be discussed in the results or discussion sections), so this is a little fluid.

Moreover, a student may write high-quality methods and results sections and then misinterpret everything in the discussion section, thereby suggesting a lack of understanding that was well concealed in the earlier sections.

A) Research Project

Mobile phones are, by their very nature, attractive targets for theft: they are small, portable and have a high value. Perhaps as a result of this, mobile phone theft is a major crime problem in the UK today, with the 2014/15 Crime Survey suggesting that there were 538,000 victims in England and Wales.

Alongside measures to reduce opportunities for theft, recent efforts in this area have concentrated on developing security features of phones themselves. Manufacturers in particular have introduced measures which make phones either harder to use, or easier to locate, if they have been stolen.

Many of these features must be enabled, or set up, by the owner in order to be effective. As with other crime problems, their willingness or ability to do this may vary substantially, meaning that some phone owners are less protected than others.

In this assignment, you will conduct a small study to examine the extent to which members of the public employ a number of available precautions. This will involve the administration of a questionnaire which asks questions about levels and types of phone usage, and asks owners to specify the security measures they have in place.

A further element of the study will examine the effect of question wording on survey responses. In particular, you will test whether the framing of a question concerned with estimated mobile phone usage, and the periods over which respondents are asked to recall, influences recollection of past behaviour.

To collect the data for the study, each of you should survey a total of six people who are not studying in the department or on a related course. All participants should be surveyed on or near the UCL campus. Please survey people on the street, but do so during the day and with a partner for reasons of safety. Appendix 1 contains an ethics form that respondents should read prior to participating.

Each of the people surveyed should be asked to complete one of three questionnaires (contained in Appendices 2a, 2b and 2c). Each participant should only be asked questions from one of the three questionnaires, and should be randomly assigned to one of the three groups. Ultimately each question should be given to two people (so as soon as one of the questionnaires has been completed by two respondents, it should not be given again). Do not survey more than one participant at the same time, as this may confound the experiment.

B) Report Structure


Authorship - Although students may discuss and analyse the data together, they should write their reports and produce any tables/figures independently. Marks will be deducted if it is obvious that students have simply cut and pasted tables/figures produced by another student.

Word length - 2000 words excluding the reference section, abstract, and any appendices. Submissions over 2000 words are not acceptable as part of the task is to communicate using the available word limit.


TITLE - should be concise


  • Should be about 100-200 words (max)
  • Describes purpose, techniques, results and implications
  • Do not provide a detailed description of the methods
  • Should be accurate, concise, self explanatory and specific
  • Avoid jargon


  • Clearly defines the problem or issue.
  • Starts general and becomes specific.
  • Places the study in the context of previous research (literature review).
  • Useful to present relations, contradictions, gaps and inconsistencies in the literature.
  • Use subheadings selectively if they help organise the material better.
  • Final paragraph clearly and explicitly states why the study was performed (e.g. the purpose of this study was...). These should be motivated by the text that they follow.


Must contain enough detail so that the study could be replicated by someone else.

Often the following subheadings are used:

  • Participants
  • Design
  • Materials (e.g. a summary of a questionnaire)
  • Procedure


Be explicit about (for example) the sampling design used and indicate why you randomly allocated participants to conditions. Present things in a simple way

Start with descriptive statistics (descriptive statistics and/or suitable figures or tables) so that the reader can start to understand the data collected

Tell a story using appropriate inferential statistical tests. Indicate whether the assumptions of the tests you used were met.

Do not include raw data


  • Make figures as clear as possible, ensuring that all aspects are explained either in the legend or the figure itself.
  • Make figures as uncluttered and as easy to read as possible.
  • Use the style of table specified in the Instructions to authors or used in papers in the journal.
  • Be consistent!
  • Output straight from SPSS is bad practice and will be penalised


  • Summarise aims and central findings
  • Evaluate and interpret results.
  • How do your findings relate to the literature reviewed in the introduction and your hypotheses?
  • Restrict discussion to the results (i.e. do not go beyond the data).
  • Discuss any limitations of the current work or any future research that is needed.


  • Make sure that you use the style of referencing that the journal requires (see notes for authors).
  • Software such as EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, or Zotero makes this easier.
  • Ensure all items cited in the paper are listed and no listed references are uncited in the text.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131904383

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3/17/2018 12:31:05 AM

Instruction: Minimum 2000 words required. The database has already been extracted but it needs tidying up which carries the bulk of the marks. The dataset is provided 'as-is', in the sense that it has not been cleaned in any meaningful way. This means that any errors in data entry will still be present. Although these do not appear to be too severe, there will be errors: simple typos, but also people using the wrong field (entering numbers in the 'a & b' version when the data was for questionnaire c, for example). Again, dealing with these issues is part of real-world data analysis, and it is up to you how you do so.


3/17/2018 12:30:34 AM

I have created a database on Moodle for the purpose of the assignment. When you have collected your data, please add this to the database. When everyone has collected their data, you will be in a position to analyse it. Please ensure that you have added your data by 16th December 2016. You will not be able to add data after that point in time. It is very important that you follow the instructions closely so that the class has a full dataset to work with (if you are not sure of something, please ask). In writing up your report, you will need to draw on relevant literature to introduce the study and to formulate a testable hypothesis or hypotheses. While you must collect data for all surveys, exactly which data you ultimately analyse is up to you.


3/17/2018 12:30:27 AM

Format - Pick a journal and follow the formatting guidelines associated with that journal. Please indicate the journal you select on the front page of your assignment. Word length – 2000 words excluding the reference section, abstract, and any appendices. Submissions over 2000 words are not acceptable as part of the task is to communicate using the available word limit.


3/17/2018 12:30:21 AM

REFERENCES - Make sure that you use the style of referencing that the journal requires (see notes for authors). Software such as EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, or Zotero makes this easier. Ensure all items cited in the paper are listed and no listed references are uncited in the text. NB: Please note, use APA style of referencing.


3/17/2018 12:30:11 AM

QM Database – Notes - The 'master' copy of the dataset for the QM assignment is now available on the QM Coursework tab as a comma-separated variables (.csv) file. This is a snapshot of the database taken on Monday 19th December and this is the data that should be used for the analysis - there is no need to directly query the database where the data was entered. The .csv format should be something you have encountered before and there should be no problem importing the data into Stata or SPSS. Once it has been imported it is up to you how to process it - but if there are any problems with the data import do get in touch.

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