Report the scientific developments relevant to given topic

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132365647

This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as specified in the unit profile.

Enabling objectives

1. Research multiple scholarly resources to report the scientific developments relevant to the topic(s);
2. Prepare a report according to the given guidelines in the assignment.

General Information

The purpose of this assignment is to learn current scientific and industry development on the topics related to the unit content. As a group you will choose a topic from the topic list below and research on it as a team to prepare a report. You also need to prepare a case study which will demonstrate the use and influence of the topic in an industry situation. Ideally, you are working in a group of 3-4 students. In a special circumstance, you may be allowed by the unit coordinator to attempt the assignment individually, but you will lose marks allocated for effective teamwork. By doing this assignment, you will learn to use skills and knowledge of emerging developments and their use related to cloud computing and IoT.

Topic list:
• Integration of Cloud computing and Internet of Things(IoT)
• Cloud computing scheduling algorithms
• Routing protocols used in IoT sensor networks
• NB-IoT vs. LoRaWAN
• Insider attacks in IoT
• Edge computing for cloud and IoT
• Insider attacks in Cloud computing systems
• Service Level Agreement(SLA) in cloud computing
• Quality of Service(QoS) in cloud computing
• BigData management issues in IoT systems
• Data privacy in CloudIoT system
• Smart homes: tomorrow and today
• Smart City and Smart world: the global Internet of Everything (IoE)
• Smart businesses: better working through technology
• Cloud computing technologies and their architectures
• Resource allocation models in cloud

What do you need to do?

The assignment requires you to do the following -

• Create a group of 3-4 students (or work individually). Please note, regardless of your group size or even as an individual attempt, you need to address all the requirements of the assignment. You need permission from unit coordinator to make any exception to this.
• Choose a topic as a group from the topic list above. Research about the topic using multiple scholarly resources (conference papers or published books or journal papers). Each member of the group needs to select and read minimum three (3) scholarly articles for this report. A generic report which do not relate to the chosen topic will receive 40 % (12 marks) upfront deduction.
• Finally prepare a report according to the given format and specifications below and submit it in Moodle. You need to submit only one report as a group.
• In the cover page, the report must have a contribution section to list articles read by a specific group member. The report will be marked as a group and any conflict within the group needs to be dealt with via consultation of your tutor/lecturer one week before the submission date. If you fail to deal with the conflict on time, the entire group will be responsible for the submission.

Report format and specifications -

You are required to submit a written report in a single Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. You must use appropriate and authentic referencing to ensure credibility of your report. The report must not exceed 5000 words limit and any unnecessary information included in the report may result in reduced marks.
The report must contain the following content (feel free to define your own sections, as long as you include all the required content):

• Cover page/title page, contribution section and table of contents. Make sure, you mention your chosen topic in the front page.
• Introduction
• Body of the report needs to address the following -
o Minimum one paragraph summary of each article which will cover -
• What is the article about?
• What problem did it address?
• Brief detail- how did they address it?
o Challenges or future work: this section will be written as a group which will combine challenges and future work relevant to the topic
o Current industry trends (e.g. technology or technique) relevant to your topic.
• Write a business case study which shows how your topic may help to address day to day business challenges. You will find many similar case studies in the text book specified in this unit. Please find an example business case study at the end of this assignment document.
• Conclusion
• References -All key claims and statements in your report must be backed by authentic references. The number of required references may vary across topics; however it must be at least 15 references. Make sure you cite each reference in the text (rather than just listing the reference at the end of the report).

Verified Expert

The report has provided IT alignment model, e-business model and governing mechanism implied in technological process of Smart business.It has also provided a brief case study regarding the practices of blockchain and major cyber security that needs to be managed within Smart businesses. Latter section has also identified technological trends that are utilized by majority of industrial sector.

Reference no: EM132365647

Questions Cloud

Draw diagram that shows the architecture of video processing : Discuss how a move to a microservice approach for these modules would resolve issues around workload peaks - Which modules are likely to be relatively stable
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What are the factors that will influence the design : PPMP20009 - Implementing lean project management to build your dream home - What are the factors that will influence the design and layout of your dream home
Report the scientific developments relevant to given topic : Prepare a report according to the given guidelines in the assignment - learn current scientific and industry development on the topics related to unit content
Why the topic important for graduate recruits in engineering : BUSN20017 - Effective Business Communication - Why the topic important for graduate recruits in engineering/management
Solve each system of equations by the substitution method : Solve each system of equations by the substitution method. Write equivalent equations by multiplying both sides of each given equation
Development of a draft research proposal : Provide an initial description, including a justification for why your data collection approach is most appropriate; you can also include why other methods
How the topic relates to your specialization interests : Begin by reviewing the related activities you have completed in this unit and the last unit, including the Issues in Your Specialization reflective discussion.



9/4/2019 4:21:33 AM

Case study - • Relevancy of the case study with the topic • How well the case study incorporated current industry trends and needs • Detail and readability of the case study /6 ( 2 marks for each bullet point ) Teamwork - • Is the report cohesive enough to show good team effort? • Did the group manage their team well without intervention from an academic? /4 ( 2 marks for each bullet point) References – • Sufficient references used in the correct format (Harvard (author- date)) • References are appropriate and authentic /5( 2.5 marks for each bullet point) Late submission deduction /5%( 1.5 marks) for each day Total Marks: /30


9/4/2019 4:21:24 AM

Body – how effectively team address points below • Minimum one paragraph summary of each article which will cover – o What is the article about? o What problem did it address? o Brief detail- how did they address it? • Challenges or future work: this section will be written as a group which will combine challenges and future work relevant to the topic • Current industry trends (e.g. technology or technique) relevant to your topic. /12 ( 4 marks for each bullet point) The report does not relate to the chosen topic or did not choose a topic within the given list. /(-)12 marks


9/4/2019 4:21:16 AM

Hi will you guys be able to provide the file with meeting the required requirements within the given dead line? And also i would like to hear about the plagiarism like up to what % would it be approximately? Marking guide: Student Number: Name: Marker / Date: Sections Marks Comments The report quality – • Is the report easy to follow? Did it address all the key information required for the report? • Is it prepared using formal report writing style such as table of content, page numbers, appropriate referencing (if any), cover page, introduction, conclusion, referencing and so on. • Did it specifically address all the guidelines provided by the ‘Report format and specifications’ section. /3( 1 mark for each bullet point)

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