Report the preliminary understanding of the data

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13662454

You have been hired by ABC bank as a Data mining consultant. The bank would like to get the hidden information from its customer database. How would you apply your data mining knowledge to get potentially useful information from the given data set?

You are required to use all the techniques which you have learnt from both lecture and tutorials. Below is the description about the data. There are 600 records in the customer database.




Customer Identification Number


Customer age








Marital status


Number of children


Whether he own a car


Saving account


Current account




Personal Equity Plan (PEP) used to repay the mortgage balance outstanding at the end of the mortgage term.


  1. Report the preliminary understanding of the data in the form of histograms and data quality.
  2. Draw a graphs for categorical and numerical variables and report your findings.
  3. The bank would like come up with a new mortgage scheme and wanted to know who would be interested in new scheme. How you can help the bank to identify its customer who would be likely interested in the new mortgage scheme.
  4. Is there any association between car, save-act, current-act, mortgage and pep?
  5. Using the unsupervised clustering technique segment the customers and give the rules for each clusters.

You are required to submit a report (hard copy & soft copy) with proper outputs and relevant explanations..

Reference no: EM13662454

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