Report the p-value of the hypothesis test

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132223926

Assignment Question -

Will a desire to succeed in the dating or marriage markets affect choices of women that range from investment in math to college major or industry of work that have long-term con- sequences for their careers? Bursztyn, Fujiwara and Pallais (2017) investigate this question using two randomized experiments conducted among students from an elite MBA program in the U.S. In their primary experiment, they find that single female students reported lower desired salaries and willingness to travel and work long hours on a real-stakes placement questionnaire when they expected their classmates to see their preference compared to the scenario where they expected their preference to be kept private. Such differential responses are absent among non-single female, single male and non-single male. In their supplementary experiment, they find that single female student expressed much less career ambition in front of their male than female classmates. The authors interpret their findings as supportive evidence that single women downplay their ambition and incur a labor market cost to increase their probability of attracting a desirable partner.

In this assignment, the analysis is based on data obtained from the primary experiment. There are several datasets containing different information.

(i) "exp age.dta": age;

(ii) "exp citizenship.dta": citizenship;

(iii) "exp gmat.dta": GMAT score;

(iv) "exp haschildren.dta": having children or not;

(v) "exp yrsexp.dta": years of work experience;

(vi) "3 mainexp responses.dta": data collected from the primary experiment.

In all these datasets, there is a string variable named "treatment" with two values "A" and "B". Here, "A" corresponds to the case where the individual receives private treatment, while "B" corresponds to the case where the individual receives public treatment. All other variables are self-explanatory.

Now, let's go through the following exercises and questions:

1. With randomization, the control group and the treatment group might be comparable (balanced). Check and report whether the treatment is balanced on observables. That is, compare the means of the observables listed in Table I.

2. Table II investigates the effect of public treatment on job preferences and skills, and more importantly how the effect varies by gender and relationship status. Report your regression results and the related statistics.

3. In panel E of Table II, you are asked to contrast the effect of public treatment on job preferences and skills for single versus non-single women, and also single versus non-single men. Report the p-value of the hypothesis test that the estimated effects are the same for single versus non-single women. Repeat the analysis for single versus non-single men. (Hint: use the command "suest" and "test")

4. Replicate Figure 5 and Figure 6 in the paper.

5. The authors examine the effect of public treatment on the reported writing skills. They take this analysis as the placebo test to differentiate the mechanism emphasized in their theory - in which single women avoid traits sanctioned in the marriage market - from one in which single women want to appear more humble and rate themselves worse on any positive attribute when they think others will see their answers. Discuss the rationale of this placebo test based on your regression results.

6. Table 5 in the paper reports the regression results for the supplementary experiment. All these regressions control for the section fixed effects. What are section fixed effects in this context? Why do we need to control for section fixed effects?

Note - Just do question 3, which states: In panel E of Table II, you are asked to contrast the effect of public treatment on job preferences and skills for single versus non-single women, and also single versus non-single men. Report the p-value of the hypothesis test that the estimated effects are the same for single versus non-single women. Repeat the analysis for single versus non-single men. (Hint: use the command "suest" and "test"). The Table being referred is in the excel sheet that attached.

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Reference no: EM132223926

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