Report on the customer experience strategy of samsung

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Reference no: EM133101401

Customer Experience Strategy - BPP University

Assessment Brief: You are required to write a 700-word report on the customer experience (CX) strategy of Samsung for their mobile phone product lines. You should base your report on the analysis of their CX strategy in one specific country in which they operate, which you must identify in the introduction to your report.

You should write your report for the Board of Directors. Within the business report, reference should be made to relevant CX concepts, literature and application as appropriate. Only use tables to answer the requirements where it is suggested to do so.

In this formative you have to evidence your ability to meet:

• Learning Outcome 1 - Appraise?the importance of customer experience for the success of the business.
• Learning Outcome 2 - Design and implement a customer journey mapping process, persona creation and measurement metrics.

You need to address the following tasks:

1. The importance of customer experience (10 marks): explain and critically evaluate the concept of customer experience. Appraise the importance of CX in the case of Samsung mobile phones. (Suggested word count: 300 words)

2. Consumer persona creation (15 marks): explain what a consumer persona is and evaluate its role in developing effective CX strategy. In application to Samsung identify one key consumer persona and provide the following elements in a visual format (graphic or table):
a. Demographics and story
b. Profile
c. Motivations for using a Samsung mobile
d. Goals for using a Samsung
e. Painpoints a Samsung mobile solves (Suggested word count: 200 words)

3. Mapping the customer journey (15 marks): explain what a customer journey is and discuss its importance to CX strategy. In relation to your consumer persona identified in task 2, using a graphic or table, map their customer journey. This should be from the perspective of the customer and include the following:
a. Stages of journey
b. Activities
c. Feelings and needs
d. Potential opportunities for improvement (Suggested word count: 200 words)

4. Presentation (5 marks): present your report in a structured and professional manner using Harvard referencing guidelines.

Suggested Structure

A 700-word business report to the Board of Directors of the company, in the capacity of a CX strategy consultant. There are many ways to construct a report and the following is only a suggestion:

BPP coursework cover sheet: containing your SRN and word count.

Title page: your reader's first impression of the report. It should be succinct but still describe the
report's contents so that it can be distinguished easily from other reports.

Comprehensive list of contents: a table of contents could help the reader to find specific information in the report quickly. This includes page numbers and any additional sections such as appendices and bibliography.

Report: covers your answers to the requirements one to three as listed above.

Appendices: Appendices contain additional information which would be too detailed to include in the main body. Typical examples of information included in appendices can be glossaries (if it is a technical report), tables with supporting statistical data, examples of research and so on.

References list: if you have consulted any source, either printed or on-line, you must include it in the list of your references and dates of internet access where applicable. For more information on referencing and the Harvard system access the link given in the General Assessment Guidance above.

Attachment:- Customer Experience Strategy.rar

Reference no: EM133101401

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