Report on stability study of aspirin analogues

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Reference no: EM133511146 , Length: word count:7000


Prepare a report on Stability Study of Aspirin Analogues


  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Aim
  • Methodology
  • Data collection
  • Result
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Reference

1. TITLE: The title of the article should convey something specific about the topic.


Abstract: - Max 500 words are required.

The abstract must be divided into the following sections: Background, Methods, Results, and conclusions.

Keywords: - include 3 to 5 keywords.

Introduction: -
Rationale, the context for the study

Background: -
Should be a synthesis of literature identifying what is known about the topic. Should end with conclusions drawn from the review to support the current study. Aims:-
Include research objectives/questions/hypothesis (if appropriate)

Methodology: -
For quantitative studies this should be for example Survey, RCT, descriptive etc.
• For qualitative study, this should be eg grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography or simply qualitative
• Mixed methods-concurrent or sequential
• Justification for the design
Sample/participant Sample/participant
Type of sample eg random, purposive etc.
• Size
• Description of sample
• Justification for the above
• Was a power calculation done, if appropriate (quantitative studies only)
• Response rate
Data Collection: -
The tool used eg questionnaire, interviews
• Pilot study-if done what changes, if any, did this lead to.
• When the data collection was done, time frame, location, methods Issues of rigor as appropriate, Validity/reliability Or Trustworthiness
Indicate the Criteria used, this should be appropriate to the methodology/design
• Describe the steps taken to ensure rigour, eg audit trail, peer review-member checking.
• Provide a justification and results for the above, don't simply state what was done

Results/findings: -
Presented appropriately in line with methodology/design of the study.
• Start with a description of the actual sample used in the study
• For quantitative studies include tables, graphs etc as appropriate.
• For qualitative studies- use themes, include participants quotes.
• Use sub headings as appropriate to structure the results.
Discussion: -
Outcomes of the study should be linked to the original aims/objectives
• Must be linked to the wider literature
• Must consider limitation

6. CONCLUSION (RELATES TO LO 4) (400words)
Real conclusions, not just a repetition of findings
• Recommendations for practice/education/management as appropriate
• Recommendations for research

As per ARU Harvard system

Reference no: EM133511146

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Write a Review

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