Report on speculation of strategic decision by competitor

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13828231

When working in the area of strategic management, you will often be asked to look at what appears to be a strategic initiative on the part of another company and speculate as to what the strategy behind the initiative really is. In other words, what is the company really trying to do and why? You will find that you have to use your knowledge of business and strategic management to penetrate the rhetoric and determine what is really behind it. Explore the GM website:

Characterize GM's commitment to the environment?

Do you think this commitment will offset the environmental issues with fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions? Provide support for your opinion.

What are GM's real strategic reasons for these environmental initiatives?

Recognize situations that present potential legal and ethical issues and develop solutions for those issues. Use effective communication techniques.

Additional Requirement

This kinds of question is a part of Corporate Strategy and it is a report about the strategic decision taken by General Motors. As a competitor, you need to speculate on the strategic decisions or initiatives taken your opponent. In this case, an example of General Motors is given. General Motors formulates its strategies to be consistent with being environmentally responsible. And this has given them opportunities to be more creative, innovative and maintain overall efficiency. The solution explains this in more detail.

Word limit 600


Reference no: EM13828231

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