Reference no: EM133019445
There are two (2) activities for this task.
- Activity 1: Conduct a Coaching Session (Roleplay & demonstration)
- Activity 2: Report on Coaching Session
Activity 1
Conduct Coaching Session (Roleplay)
For this activity, you are required to conduct the coaching session you planned in PART A of this assessment.
Roleplay Cast:
Prior to commencing each role play, assessors, in conjunction with the student being assessed, are to have already allocate the following roles:
- Learning and Development Manager (Coach) - roleplayed by student being assessed
- Supervisor #1 - roleplayed by Assessor
- Supervisors #2, #3, & #4 - roleplayed by three (3) other students
General instructions for all role players include:
• Under observation of the Coach (student being assessed), actively participate in the coaching session
• Participate in the practice of skills when requested
• Follow your script where prompted
• Seek clarification wherever you do not fully understand the coaching provided
• respond to open questions, by elaborating and providing additional information
• respond to closed questions, with a single word reply
During the Coaching Session you must:
1) Open the session by outlining the purpose and scope of the coaching session
2) Confirm the participants understanding of the purpose of the coaching session
3) Refer the participants to organisational procedures relevant to the coaching topics
4) Describe the type and location of the potential hygiene hazards that you have identified
5) Clearly and fully explain/demonstrate the following coaching session topics/skills:
i. personal and professional reasons for maintaining personal hygiene
ii. when to wash hands rather than use sanitiser
iii. appropriate Hand-washing procedure.
6) Check group understanding of the information provided to them
7) Use active listening and open questioning techniques to confirm understanding.
8) Demonstrate for and then evaluate each participant's performance to ensure they each physically perform the correct procedure for hand washing
9) Provide opportunity for participants to ask questions
10) Provide feedback to each participant on their Hand Wash Technique in a constructive and supportive manner
11) Identify any performance problems or difficulties with the coaching and rectify
12) Demonstrate the application of the six(6) key principles of effective training-
i. Explanation
ii. Demonstration
iii. Review
iv. Listening to trainee explanation
v. Observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
vi. Providing feedback
13) Complete your coaching session within the time you have allocated
Report on Coaching Session
For this activity, the organisation's Work Health & Safety procedures require that you write a report to the Workplace Health & Safety Manager, to advise the outcomes of the coaching session.
1. Review the Lead Supervisor's report to you, provided as-
• Handout - Operational Report re workplace personal hygiene
2. Using the template provided as-
• Handout - Coaching Session Follow-up Report template
complete the report, ensuring your report includes the following:
1) The topics covered in our coaching session
2) The participants
3) How the progress has been evaluated
4) The Outcomes of the coaching session
5) Identify any ongoing performance problems or difficulties from the coaching session
6) Report any unresolved hazards that may affect the health of self or others
7) Recommendations following from coaching session which will provide ongoing support
3. Print your completed report and submit to your assessor.