Report on a business intelligence and analytics platform

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Reference no: EM133517183

Business Analytics

Part A involves you performing a set of analyses on a given dataset to answer a number of questions relevant to that dataset. You will present these analyses in a written document as well as creating and submitting a Tableau file to demonstrate the analyses.

Part B is a report on a business intelligence and analytics platform.

Part A: Data Analysis
AirBnB is a company that facilitates short-term rentals (for more information about the company, see:
You have been provided with a spreadsheet that lists all the properties that it lists for rent through Airbnb in Western Australia. You have also been provided with a listing of all the bookings currently recorded for the final three months of 2020. The metadata for these two sheets is listed below.
You have been asked by the Westralian Tourism Commission to analyse this data to assist them with capacity planning for their various tourism attractions.

More specifically, the Tourism Commission wishes to know the following:

1. Top 10 localities by number of properties listed.
2. Overall nights booked between October and the end of 2020 and how they change from week to week.
3. Comparison of Metropolitan and Regional nights booked between October and the end of 2020 and how it changes from week to week.
4. Map showing number of bookings in postal codes where there are at least 100 nights booked Oct-Dec 2020.
5. Total income for properties in Broome (and surrounding areas) - postcode 6725.
What you have to do:
1. Analyse the dataset using Tableau and determine the answers to each of the questions above.
2. You should create at least one visualisation for each question that will help to illustrate how you arrived at the answer you did.

Asking Question:
There will undoubtedly be things about this assignment you are not clear about. If that is the case, then you should ask a question! There will be an Assignment Discussion Forum on LMS where you can ask questions. If you do not feel comfortable asking a question in this environment, then please email your question to your lecturer Please try to be as clear as possible as to what it is you are asking. In that way, we will be more likely to be able to help you.
What you need to submit:

1. A Word document that includes the answers to the questions above. Each answer should have a brief explanation (150 -200 words) as to how you determined the answer and one or more visualisations (copied and pasted from Tableau) that illustrate the answer.
a. Each visualisation you copy into your Word document must have something that identifies the visualisation as being your work.

2. A Tableau file that includes the visualisations you created to answer the questions. Please ensure that the Tableau sheets are named in such a way that it is clear as to which question is being answered.

This part of the assignment is worth 50 marks, and will be marked thus:

Each of the five questions is worth 8 marks each:
- Answer
o Textual explanation
o Visualisation
• Appropriateness
• Design
- Explanation of process

Tableau file is worth a further 10 marks:
- Correct import of data file
- Correct set up of data file
- Inclusion of visualisations

About the data (metadata)
The datafile is called ICT601 Assignment 01 Data.xlsx. It contains two sheets, one called Bookings and one called Properties.

Column Name Description
property_id Unique identifier for a property
night_booked The date of the booking. There is one entry for each night a property is booked.
price The price charged for that night's booking

Column Name Description
property_id Unique identifier for a property
postCode Postcode of the property being made available for booking
locality Locality of the property
latitude Latitude of property
longitude Longitude of property
loom_type Type of room available
price Normal (base price): NB this may differ from the price being charged for a booking due to peak seasons and demand
Metro/Regional Whether the property is located in the Metropolitan area

Part B: Analytics Platform Report
Select one Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms (not Tableau) from the list at:

Prepare a report on its capabilities. You should use sources external to the vendor as much as possible (and, of course, include the references for all sources to which you refer).

The report should be 1000 words in length (excluding references) and should, at a minimum, include detail about what platform you investigated, what you found out about it, scenarios in which the platform is seen to perform well, and those where it might not be an appropriate choice.

Referencing style: the preferred style for this report is APA.

Attachment:- Business Analytics.rar

Reference no: EM133517183

Questions Cloud

Do you feel it is important to make this distinction : Do you feel it is important to make this distinction? Give justification for your answer using relevant theory and research from Australian society
Describe how would use stress coping strategies : Describe how you would use stress coping strategies that we learned from de Janasz, Dowd and Schneider.
Conventional search warrants-administrative search warrants : What are the differences between conventional search warrants, administrative search warrants, and "special needs" searches?
Explain how the topic a problem in todays society : Explain in a paragraph how this topic relates to the course content. Explain how the topic a problem in today's society.
Report on a business intelligence and analytics platform : Business Analytics - Report on a business intelligence and analytics platform - You should create at least one visualisation for each question
Provide a brief summary of that disease, condition : Provide a brief summary of that disease, condition, or health screening. Locate and summarize trends in disparities as related to the chosen disease
Discuss the ethical ramifications of self-driving technology : Consider the ethical ramifications of self-driving technology. research online definitions for different types of self-driving technology.
Define concept of situational crime prevention : Define the concept of situational crime prevention, Briefly describe the theoretical foundations for situational crime prevention
How has the use of enterprise application software : How has the use of Enterprise Application Software (EAS) impacted an company's management of its contemporary value chain?


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