Report for executive-level management team

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Reference no: EM133146801

Write a report for an executive-level management team about whether Adidas should develop a similar DTC competitive strategy to Nike's.

You have been hired as a consultant by Adidas to analyze Nike's direct-to-consumer (DTC) distribution strategy to determine if Adidas should develop a similar competitive strategy. A report is to be presented to the executive management team of Adidas with your analysis.


In this assessment, you will write a report with your analysis of a DTC distribution strategy for an executive-level management team.

Respond to the following scenario as you complete your report:

You have been hired as a consultant by Adidas to analyze Nike's direct-to-consumer (DTC) distribution strategy to determine if Adidas should develop a similar competitive strategy.

Nike, the U.S. sportswear giant, has been working to bring its manufacturing process closer to the point of sale, and concurrently adopting a direct-to-consumer strategy with a focus on owning the experience. Selling direct to consumer, commonly referred to as DTC or D2C, means you're selling your products directly to your end customers.

Write a management report analyzing Nike's supply chain strategy for Adidas' executives. Include the following:

Analyze why the company (Nike) has adopted a DTC supply chain strategy by explaining the advantages and disadvantages and the impact of this strategy on its profitability.

Analyze the importance of the Internet and social media (to Nike) and compare today's marketplace to a future marketplace advantage.

Analyze how the company's (Nike's) DTC strategy satisfies customers and discuss the advantages of this type of competitive distribution strategy.

Recommend steps for the company (Nike) to continue to grow its DTC strategy and support with cited sources in areas of organizational structure, technological investments, digital strategy, and customer relationship management.

Recommend steps for the company (Adidas) to effectively grow its DTC strategy and support with cited sources in areas of organizational structure, technological investments, digital strategy, and customer relationship management.

Reference no: EM133146801

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