Report based on a hypothetical research study

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Reference no: EM13822488

Write a research report based on a hypothetical research study.  Conducting research and writing a report is common practice for many students and practitioners in any of the behavioral sciences fields. 

A research report, which is based on scientific method, is typically composed of the different sections listed below:

  1. Introduction: The introduction states a specific hypothesis and how that hypothesis was  derived by connecting it to previous research.   
  2. Methods: The methods section describes the details of how the hypothesis was tested and clarifies why the study was conducted in that particular way.   
  3. Results: The results section is where the raw uninterpreted data is presented.   
  4. Discussion: The discussion section is where an argument is presented on whether or not the data supports the hypothesis, the possible implications and limitations of the study, as well as possible future directions for this type of research.  

Together, these sections should tell the reader what was done, how it was done, and what was learned through the research.  You will create a research report based on a hypothetical problem, sample, results, and literature review.  Organize your data by creating meaningful sections within your report. Make sure that you:

  • Apply key concepts of inferential hypothesis tests. 
  • Interpret the research findings of the study. 
  • Examine the assumptions and limitations of inferential tests. 
  • Develop a practical application of the research principles covered in this course.

Reference no: EM13822488

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