Reply to discussion - Concept of database security

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Reference no: EM133271858 , Length: word count:150

Question: Reply to discussion

The concept of database security is fundamental in today's world. With the use of the Internet, more and more businesses are storing their data online. According to Ghelani et al. (2022), database security protects a database from unauthorized access. Database security aims to protect data from unauthorized users and ensure that only authorized users can access the data. Database security includes both physical and logical security.

Physical safety includes measures to protect the database from physical damage, such as fires, floods, and earthquakes (Lee, 2020). Logical security provides measures to protect the database from unauthorized access, such as password protection and data encryption. The Bible gives us several mandates concerning the protection of property. In the Ten Commandments, God commands us not to steal (Exodus 20:15). This commandment applies to physical and intellectual property. In today''s world, data is often stored in databases. This data is the property of the company that owns the database.

Unauthorized access to this data is stealing. God also commands us not to bear false witness (Exodus 20:16). This commandment applies to physical and intellectual property. Today''s information is often used to make decisions about people and companies. This data is the property of the people and companies being judged. Unauthorized access to this data is bearing false witness. Many real-world examples support these biblical truths. Companies often protect their property with security guards and fences in the physical world. In the world of data, companies often protect their databases with passwords and encryption (Archer et al., 2018). In the physical world, companies often use video cameras to record what is happening on their property. In the world of data, companies often use logging to record who is accessing their databases and what they are doing.

These examples show that the Bible''s commands concerning property protection are just as relevant in the world of data as in the physical world.

Reference no: EM133271858

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