Reference no: EM13897767
Directions: In 200-300 words each you must reply to both of the classmates post below. Be sure to label each reply so that I know which one you are addressing. Please note that "I like what you said," "That's a good point," and "I disagree with your point" do not count as complete replies in and of themselves. Rather, stating why you liked or disliked the comment, adding additional thoughts or ideas to the original point, and/or providing alternative ideas or thoughts when you disagree will count as a reply. You are expected to be courteous in any disagreement with a classmate. Thus, personal attacks or calling an idea "stupid" or another derogatory remarks are not acceptable, and your grade will reflect such behavior. The specific amount of points deducted will be left to the discretion of the instructor. Be sure to cite and reference all sources. Graduate quality work is expected to be free from spelling and grammatical errors, written according to the most current APA formatting guidelines, and adhere to the specific assignment instructions that are provided.
Adrina (Post1):
For this assignment, I'm studying the Latino/Hispanic Culture. I interviewed the wife (Betsy) of a Hispanic/Latino couple that works at one of the Christian Schools in the area in which I am a substitute teacher. I was very pleased with the interview as Betsy felt comfortable in sharing some of her life experiences and personal and at times intimate moments. I could relate to Dr. Garzon during his interview with the American Arab/Muslim young lady during our last week's reading assignment. He was able to allow her to express her opinions about her culture in response to some of his questions without probing. This was the case with Betsy and I. As the interview went on, she became more relaxed in somewhat sharing her life and family life's journey.
In studying this culture, it was very enlightening to me as to how many different countries the Hispanic/Latino culture is composed of. Initially, I went in thinking of the more popular countries one is familiar with when considering to travel abroad, however, after spending time with Mrs. McNutt (the Spanish I teacher and her class); visiting the church in Connecticut and conducting this interview with Betsy, I have learned quite a bit. Additionally, the various ways in which their dishes differ from one component to another was another learning lesson. The love for family and values were basically the same. That is the foundation of this culture and heritage and it is passed on from generation to generation with life lessons and values.
Now that the class session is coming to an end, I am grateful for this opportunity, because I may not have stepped out of my normal comfort zone to learn this or any other culture to this depth without being told to. My method of bringing people into my circle of friends is normally, through the church, but this process has enabled me to find interest in other groups after reflecting on the other classmate's culture groups and their postings. In summary, regarding my experience with the Hispanic/Latino culture, I have found a new friend and interest that I plan on nurturing and plan to keep. Betsy's father has now become an extended part of our family and I enjoyed studying and learning this culture. I even increased my Spanish dictionary "un poco".
Baretto, C. B. (2015, December 14). Cultural Immersion Project Assignment 3. (A. S. Allen, Interviewer)
University, L. (Director). (n.d.). The Middle East, Muslims, and Christians [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from
Melinda (Post2):
I chose to do my cultural immersion project on the elderly population. For this project, I attended two church services with a predominately elderly population and a local bingo night in my community that was targeted to the elderly population.
In my research I found that there statistically is a large amount of the elderly population that is considered lonely and depressed (Rukuye, Ümmühan, AktürK, Hatice, and Hakime, 2012). It was stated that as we age, it often times becomes difficult for an individual to survive as a self-sufficient, influential and strong person. I was very pleased to know from my interview with the elderly couple I spoke with that they were not lonely or depressed and they felt that the majority of their friends in the elderly population were not depressed or lonely. In their opinions and from what they observed they felt a lot of the elderly they knew were fairly active and quite involved in the church. I found it interesting and heart warming to hear how involved so many elderly were within their church and how so many had an intimate relationship with God.
I also found it interesting that the couple I interviewed both were on their second marriage. They both had different reasons for being on their second marriage, but they got married to each other much later in life. There later in life love, gives me hope for some of the elderly who have experienced great loss to find love again. I know this may not occur with everyone or maybe even most but it does provide a sense of hope.
With the elderly couple I interviewed, they were white and they identified with being white more so then elderly. I found that interesting and wasn't exactly sure how to take that. They both were very respectful all of cultures and were raised to respect everyone regardless of how they looked or what their background. Most of what they discussed from the past had to talk about segregation and the ones parents coming from Italy and some of the experiences with that. I was interviewing them for being elderly but I found it interesting that they did not see themselves that way.
I found it interesting how much one member of the couple I interviewed knew about their background and where their families had came from and the other one did not. I am in my thirties and I do not know much about my ancestry and honestly am not sure that my parents know either. I think it was amazing that they knew so much about where they came from and between them and this course, it has inspired me to dig deeper into my ancestry.
I thoroughly enjoyed this project. I think it was beneficial to do the research, attend activities within the cultural group we selected and then interview someone from that culture. Completing the project in this order, helped prepare us for the interview and overall more cultural competent.
Rukuye, A., Ümmühan, A., AktürK, B., Hatice O., Hakime, A. (2012). Relationship between depression and loneliness in elderly and examination of influential factors. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 55(3), 548-554. Retrieved from doi:10.1016/j.archger.2012.03.006.