Repeating sequence

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13708056

Question: For the subsequent repeating sequence of 1w address (given in hex) and cache configurations.

Assuming least recently used (LRU) replacement for associative caches, evaluate the effective miss rate if the sequence is input to the given caches, ignoring startup effects (i.e., compulsory misses).

74 A0 78 38C AC 84 88 8C 7C 34 38 13C 388 18C

Note that the cache capacity is 16 words.

Part a) Direct mapped cache, b = 1 word

Part b) Fully associative cache, b = 2 words

Part c) Two-way set associative cache, b = 2 words

Part d) Direct mapped cached, b = 4 words.

I cannot seem to get this to problem for some reason can somebody solve this problem?

Reference no: EM13708056

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