Remove duplicate employee ids from the employee extract

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131600955

1. Using the "Employee Extract" tab as your primary working sheet, bring in the "earliest retirement date" field and the "division" field into the tab.

2.Remove duplicate Employee ID's from the "Employee Extract" tab.

3. In the "Employee Extract" tab "retirement bracket column" assign retirement brackets based on the retirement dates provided(i.e. within 1 year, etc...). The determination of each bracket is up to you. NOTE: Think about brackets that would be useful on a report for an executive summary.

4. Using the "Employee Extract" tab and your new retirement brackets, create a pivot table to summarize retirement brackets by division and headcount. Please ensure your pivot table is on a new tab named "Pivot Table"

5. Using the results from the pivot table, please put together a few slides in powerpoint summarizing your findings. Feel free to incorporate tables/charts into your summary.

Attachment:- table.rar

Reference no: EM131600955

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