Remember that the general project for term

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131547074

You'll remember that the general project for this term involves creating an implementation plan for the new TUI learning management system, Desire2learn (D2L). You've already had the opportunity to review some project management software; now you'll have the opportunity to begin to put together an actual plan using it.

Below is the project idea that I have come up with for a simple project with a description of what the project entails, please look at to see the layout and incorporate the assignment to my project.

Project: Create an office space with new furniture to provide the most beneficial and roomy house office environment with lots of storage ideas

Making the office room in a house have an ample amount of storage; yet not allowing it to look cluttered. This will allow it to look official; be small; yet still have room to move; and not feel cramped.

  • For this module, you should think about the people involved in your implementation process for the Office Space. These might include personnel from the vendor, along with University IT staff, administrators, faculty, other staff, and possibly students as well. Who is going to be needed, to do what, when?
  • Incorporate staffing into the project plan (Office Space); allocate and distribute your personnel resources as you think they will be needed. Make specific assumptions about people and their availability, don't hesitate to do so as long as you keep a record of such assumptions and make them explicit in your write-up.
  • Prepare a brief (5 page) report summarizing your activities regarding the previous two steps -- personnel definition and plan design. Be as personal and reflective as you can; remember, your aim is to describe what you learned from this process and how it might affect your behavior and your career.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Complete the SLP assignment. Length of 5 pages
  • Conducted evaluation and analysis as required
  • Precision: the questions asked are answered.
  • Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.
  • Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.
  • Critical thinking: Incorporate YOUR reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.
  • Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited and listed.

Reference no: EM131547074

Questions Cloud

Analyze how the process of value creation has transformed : Analyze how the process of value creation has transformed from the times before Napster came in to now? Why the US is such a strong base for music record firm?
Identify the critical path components : Identify your problem statement and complete a root-cause analysis. Identify which quality tools you used to identify and vet the problem.
Depreciation tax shield is received early in the lease life : The depreciation tax shield is received early in the lease life. The lessor’s tax rate is substantially higher than the lessee’s.
Measuring the overall performance of a project : Earned value management (EVM) assists project managers when measuring the overall performance of a project.
Remember that the general project for term : You'll remember that the general project for this term involves creating an implementation plan for the new TUI learning management system
Comparison essay about Advertising and Communication Design : Comparison essay about Advertising and Communication Design-differences between advertising and communication design
Summarize the psychometric properties of the instruments : Summarize the three instruments you used to measure job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement in the organization.
Great number of requested features : In a software development project, there are often a great number of requested features, enhancement requests, defect fixes, etc. to be completed.
Treasury note futures and bond portfolio with a duration : you want to hedge a $400 million bond portfolio with a duration of 8.4 years using 10-year Treasury note futures with a duration of 6.2 years


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