Reference no: EM131993863
1) Lee and Amy book a fancy restaurant, Sweet Memories, for their wedding reception. Due to an unexpected death in the family, they are forced to cancel the wedding 2 days prior to the event. Advise Lee and Amy whether they are liable to pay Sweet Memories damages. The contract is silent on this issue, simply saying "usual contract damages apply."
Advise Lee and Amy with reference to relevant principles of contract law.
3) A fish and chip shop at Bondi beach ordered a new cooker that the supplier agreed to install by 1 August. The supplier arrived on 1 August and pulled out and destroyed the older cooker as it was no longer required. During installation, the supplier accidently broke the new cooker and it had to be sent back to the factory for repairs. The factory was unable to deliver the new cooker until 15 August. Thus, the fish and chip shop had to close from 1 August to 14 August. The shop owner was unable to find a replacement cooker or temporary premises for the shop.
The owner wishes to sue the supplier for the loss of:
(a)The normal net profits over the two week closure period. The average net profit for the same period in the last 3 years was $4,000; and
(b)The profits the owner would have made from a large catering contract scheduled for 10-12 August. It is estimated that the owner would have made $6,000 profit from that catering contract.
Advise the owner of their chances of success with reference to relevant principles of contract law.