Reference no: EM13950544 , Length: word count:1500
Part -1:
The relevance of policy and evaluation for Festival and Event planners. Not sure if you can help, details below.
Question: How do we know whether policy interventions in the realm of events are effective in achieving the desired outcomes?
To know what is the desired outcome of an eventIs the measurement tools used correct - this can be further understand by reading chp 4 of the required book.
At least 10 different scholarly/academic, peer-reviewed, journal articles as references in your essay.
These references need to be other than those in your text book and from 2010/11/12/13.
This essay must be written in the third person, with an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.
This essay aims to develop the learning outcomes of the unit with particular emphasis on
a) Your ability to discuss and demonstrate an understanding of basic theoretical concepts and themes in the study and application of event policy and planning.
b) High level communication skills, through the application of grammatically correct and well edited writing.
c) The development of your research skills through interpretation and assessment/evaluation of academic material.
a) Required Text Book: Chp 3, 4, 5 from "Event Policy From Theory to Strategy" (By Malcom Foley, David McGillivary & Gayle McPherson)
b) Additional reading stated in those chp in the above-mentioned position
Word count: 1400 words
Part -2:
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA). changes in the business world, leaders and individuals need to be creative in order to navigate through these uncharted waters individuals, managers and leaders need to develop their creative and critical thinking skills. This assignment is designed to promote the employment of Creative Thinking in the field of Organizational Behavior. Creative Thinking requires the learners to identify the problems or issues, before generating diverse and novel ideas.
Through the use of tools like SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Purpose, Eliminate and Rearrange), Metaphors, Forced Association, Analogies', etc., your task will be to generate novel insights to an assigned real-life situation. Fluency, Originality, Elaboration, Appropriateness and Presentation should be emphasized2.
Learning Goals. To demonstrate the ability to think creatively in generating novel insights, framing problems in multiple ways and deriving unconventional solutions. Students are expected to:
• Identify the problem(s) correctly and frame the issue(s) from multiple perspectives, with special attention to avoiding the conventional ways of looking at the problem.
• Generate as many novel insights and Ideas as possible by making connections between knowledge, theories, concepts, real-life applications and problem solving.
• Make sure that your proposed ideas. while novel and unconventional, are relevant and appropriate to the issue and context. It is all good and well to generate novel ideas. but these are not of much value if they are not practical, or can only be implemented at great expense.
• Provide sufficient elaboration to convince the reader of the value of the novel ideas generated.
• Present your ideas in a manner that is easy to understand and creatively.
1. Read Chapter 3: Organizational Culture, Socialization, and Mentoring (Kreitner & Kinicki. 2013 pp. 60-84) to understand the topic.
2. Using the creative tools you have acquired from Seminar Week 2:
3. Generate Insights or problems on the three layers of organizational culture. These insights or problems include the present as well the envisaged culture that you think NTU needs to have in order to achieve the vision in SG 100.
4. From the insights you have generated, suggest some novel and creative Ideas to enhance and socialise NTU's culture.
5. The recommended creative ideas must answer all aspects of the desired cultures identified
6. In addition, we also want to remind learners that Creative Thinking is not about finding faults or problems but to improve things around you.
7. After you have done these, look at the novel insights and ideas you have generated and try to organise them together into meaningful and distinct themes.
8. Review your work and select the aspects that are relevant and appropriate. These must be practical. implementable and contribute towards developing an
9. Then write a 750 word essay (strictly 750 words) to present your ideas. Organize your ideas coherently and present them with sufficient details/elaborations to help the reader better appreciate how you identified the desired cultures and generated creative ideas to enhance and socialize these desired cultures. You should also aim to be as convincing and persuasive as possible in presenting the value of your ideas/unique insights.
10. Produce a 3-minute video to convince the examiners about your proposed ideas. In this video, you are required to present the key ideas and use whatever presentation tools that are creative and engaging. The video must be able to be played using normal media player.
1. The essay must not exceed 750 words! Keep strictly to this limitation so as to ensure equity.
2. Use Arial font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. (5 marks will be deducted for non-compliance)
3. Double-sided printing is preferred.
Submission Procedure
Submit a soft copy of your 750-word essay to TURNITIN" and the 3-minute Video to NTULeam (Folder will be created by your tutor for the respective seminar group) by 2300 hrs on 13 Feb 2015 (Sat). Late submissions (without valid reasons) will be penalised accordingly. Only submit your assignment to TURNITIN. there is no need to attach Cover Page or Academic Integrity Declaration Form for soft-copy submission.
2. When you next meet your instructor the following week (Seminar 6 week of 15 to 19 Feb 16), submit the following in hard copy.
a. 750-word essay
b. Produce a 3-minute video.
c. Signed copy of the Academic Integrity Declaration (you can download this from the Assignment folder in NTULeam).
d. Cover Sheet for assignment (you can download this from the Assignment folder in NTULearn).