Relevance of clinical leadership principles for provision

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Reference no: EM133379492 , Length: word count:3000

Advanced Clinical Leadership

Assessment - Case-based coursework based on the critical reflection on the relevance of clinical leadership principles for the provision of improved quality in health care service

Learning outcome 1: Explain how the different types, modalities and meanings of clinical leadership are used to inform, support and manage clinical decision-making.

Learning outcome 2: Explore the concept of leadership In the health care context

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the range of disciplines, approaches, tools and challenges involved in the NHS health care settings.

Learning outcome 4: Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the governing functions, roles, purposes, benefits and concerns of leadership in the NHS.

Cognitive skills
C1. Discuss and critically assess the purpose, components, and key challenges, of clinical leadership,

C2. Analyse and critically explore the domains of the leadership framework, approaches, and techniques to support the requirements in leadership skills development.

C3. Critically discuss contemporary approaches to the design and implementation of information and knowledge audits, policies, products and services.

S1. Reflect on the relationship between a health need and service management technique/technology in healthcare.

S2. Use the NHS Leadership framework to enable effective and successful service improvement in health care.

Assessment task

3,000 word case-based critical reflection on the relevance of clinical leadership principles for the provision of improved quality in health care services.

You should initially identify a workplace challenge within the title of your assignment and align this to your leadership style and impact.
An example could be ‘Redesigning the patient pathway through collaborative leadership'

Assignment title: "Compassionate Leadership for addressing burnout of therapists in a Private Pediatric Therapy Clinic in the UK"

CHALLENGE: Burnout of therapists working in a Private Pediatric Therapy Clinic due to high workload??
Compassionate leadership aligns with me due to:
?INJF (introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging) personality type
q Strengths: compassionate, organised, sensitive to the needs of others, both emotional and logical, focused on the future, deep relationships
q Weaknesses: can be overly sensitive, overly high expectations
This assignment should be broken down into the following sections:
Section 1 Your problem and your leadership style: (1000 words)
Critical analysis of your own leadership behaviours and how they impact on the quality of care offered to patients within the service you work in or have worked in. To complete this assignment, it is essential to have reflected on your own leadership style and how this is impacting on your clinical work.

Section 2 The tool and example of the tool used in practice : (1000 words)
This section should address how you are addressing the problem. You should outline the process you have taken to evaluate the ‘problem' in more depth. You could input the outputs here from using the tool with a simple explanation of why this was used.
If you are not currently working, you should outline here how this tool would benefit your workplace challenge by analysing the evidence for the chosen tool from the literature.

This can be overwhelming as there are so many. So break this down by approach. The ones we have outlines in this module are often the most popular and easy to use in practice such as:
• Process mapping
• Driver diagrams
• 30 60 90

This is different to previous years work in this area in the examples.
You should complete the action in the work place. You should demonstrate feedback from others here in your work (like I have done it)
Taking feedback from others and demonstrating in section 3 how you will act upon the learning is important to self awareness and development within the ACP framework. (hypothetically, like I have already done it)
Section 3: Your impact and evaluation (1000 words)
This final section should link to your impact, you should integrate evidence here of your chosen leadership style and evidence around the impact of your chosen tool. Following this details around what changed within the service if you are working. You could provide quotes or feedback from the session you organised. If the outcome was not what was desired here you could provide an alternative approach, or reflect on the differences found. Or again bring in an alternative critical view to the application chosen.

We may repeat initial assesments to see change.
• Then I may reflect on how it went and if am I the right person for this change?
Can I improve aspects of my ‘personality' to improve change?
Would a different leadership style yield better change?
and consider whether an alternative leadership style would have been more appropriate??

The impact framework
There are lots of ways to demonstrate change within work. Through narrative viewpoints and quotes from others to questionnaires and tools. (maybe repeat initial tools)

Ensure this section is focused on you and your clinical leadership behaviours.
What impact have you had on others with the approach you have taken to a workplace challenge.

The goal is to assess this impact and to demonstrate this within this section.

The focus is not on succeeding in making the improvement in work.

This is very important as if you focus on a work based problem totally without looking at your leadership behaviour, you will fail this assignment. The reason will be you have not answered the question to the assignment appropriately.

The assignment can be written in the first person but an objective balanced writing style needs to be maintained. This should be a critical reflection of an element of leadership practice you have implemented in your work-based environment, or a problem you have encountered and how you would prospectively make a service change using the evidence to support your decision making.

Attachment:- Advanced Clinical Leadership.rar

Reference no: EM133379492

Questions Cloud

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Relevance of clinical leadership principles for provision : PH5612 Advanced Clinical Leadership - Explain how the different types, modalities and meanings of clinical leadership are used to inform, support and manage
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What could your firm do to influence any of the factors : As the General Manager for this firm, what could your firm do to influence any of the factors in your favour? (i.e. take advantage of opportunities or minimize



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possible and suggested structure: break this down into the following sections. 1000 words on your leadership impact and challenge. 1000 words on your chosen intervention 1000 words on analysis and impact. In each section you need: A short introduction - 200 words. The main body of paragraphs - each paragraph has a main point if you make 3-4 points these paragraphs are approx. 175 - 200 words each = 600-700 words. Conclusion - 100 - 200 words. Paragraphs Now consider the points you will make in each paragraph and build the sentences. Statement sentence first. Evidence sentence next and critical appraisal sentences. Explanation sentence to lead into the next paragraph. Provide a reference list for the references used in the essay!

Write a Review

Case Study Questions & Answers

  How would you analyze this situation in terms of trust model

How would you analyze this situation in terms of the Trust Model of Conflict? Following the guidelines for the model, what sequence of steps could you initiate to resolve this conflict?

  Describe the developmental level of supervisor full team

Take a look at the four developmental levels D1-D4 discussed in Avery (2004). Which of these levels best describes the developmental level of your supervisor's.

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Write a case study on the topic "The Andaman-Nicobar group of islands"

  What could bill do to improve performance evaluation process

What are the legal issues Martin and other supervisors need to consider in conducting performance appraisals? What could Bill do to improve the performance evaluation process in his store?

  Evaluate the effectiveness of Adidas use of social media

Case - ADIDAS. QUESTION - Evaluate the effectiveness of Adidas' use of social media in its ‘Take the Stage' campaign

  What are advantages of being early adopter of new technology

Do you tend to acquire new technological devices before or after the majority of your friends? What are the advantages of being an early adopter of a new technology? What are the advantages of being a late adopter of a new technology?

  Describe how mindset relates to reggies reaction

Define mindset and describe how mindset relates to Reggie's reaction to the compliance test. Write a paragraph to define mindset

  Determine whether the prosecutor has proved his case

What do vou look for to determine whether the prosecutor has proved his case? And what to determine whether the defense has proved her nice?

  Explain the obligations of employers and employees

FSC 3510 - Political and Legal Foundations of Fire Protection - Describe what fire departments have done in your particular state to develop a similar SOP

  Investigate the data set and identify a problem in the data

Investigate the data set and identify a problem in the data set and relationship between different studies in this literature review section should be clear

  What steps are involved in evaluating

What steps are involved in evaluating which vendor to choose for this EMR upgrade? Since your predicted total margin for next year shows a decrease of .5 %, would you still go ahead with the EMR upgrade?

  Identify all of the operational and accounting issues

Identify all of the operational, behavioral, ethical and accounting issues that are important in the case. You will have multiple issues in each catagory.

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