Relationships between customers and workers

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Reference no: EM13728179

Conducting an ethnographic study is a fun way of gathering research about your social environment. You may have done an ethnography before without really being aware of it. In a small way, this assignment recreates what ethnographers do when they visit a new community to conduct research.

Complete the following:

Choose a restaurant, library, mall, dining hall, coffee shop, or similar public location. Plan to spend a minimum of two hours at the location. You will visit this location twice, for a minimum of four hours total. Keep in mind that if you should find one of your peers in the establishment at the same time when you are there, do not interrupt him/her and do not do the assignment at the same time.
Document what occurs at this chosen location:
Describe the establishment.
Analyze the interactions between people.
Next, write a paper documenting and analyzing your observations of the location.

Observation Notes

Your observation notes should specifically include the following:

Name and location of the establishment
Dates and times you were there
Place where you stood/sat and when you did your research
Description of the physical characteristics of the inside and outside of the establishment (e.g. brick or concrete structure, paint color, seating arrangements)
Number and types of people visiting the establishment while you were there (age, sex, type of clothing, probable occupations, ethnicity, etc.)
Document interactions such as:
specific nature of the interactions that take place in the establishment among customers, between customers and staff, and among staff
types of languages used in the establishment and by whom
any strange or unusual behavior
Analysis Summary

Include the following in your analysis:

Comparison of similarities and differences of this establishment and other similar establishments you know about Nature of the treatment of customers in the establishment
Relationships between customers and workers
Any behavior that surprised you or was contrary to your expectations
How it felt to do the research
Most difficult aspects of the research
What you found most interesting about the research
In your analysis, be sure to draw upon your observations to support your conclusions.


In the appendix of your paper, include the following:

A sketch of the layout of the establishment (You can draw in a computer program, like Paint that comes preloaded on most PCs and insert it into your Word file.)
Transcription of your notes
Write a 4-6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. 

Reference no: EM13728179

Questions Cloud

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Suppose the sharpe ratio is intended to measure : What advantages/disadvantages do the mutual fins offer compared to company stock for your retirement investing? Notice that, for every dollar you invest, S&S Air also invests a dollar. What return on your investment does this represent? What does you..
Relationships between customers and workers : Comparison of similarities and differences of this establishment and other similar establishments you know about Nature of the treatment of customers in the establishment Relationships between customers and workers
Write an essay comparing the perspective issues and concerns : Write an essay comparing the perspectives, issues and concerns of Aztec of Inca peoples and their contact with Europe.
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Explain how new uses of energy transformed native american : why does the term "energy" feature so prominently in West's Contested Plains? Explain how new uses of energy transformed Native American lives on the plains in the eighteenth century.


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