Relationship between the variables

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM1320502

Question: Sharek, P.J., Mayer, M. L. Loewy, L. et al. [2002]. Agreement among measures of asthma status: A prospective study of low-income children with moderate to serve asthma. Pediatrics, 110 (4), 797-804. [Available via EBSCO Medline].

The original full research study by Sharek et al. was about assessing the effectiveness of a disease management program for children with asthma, the finding of which are presented elsewhere in a different publication.

This study publication utilizes the original data but focuses on examining different measures of asthma status. What were the conclusions? What are the implications for asthma care in children? What would you say are the implications for further research?

Reference no: EM1320502

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