Relationship between the organization and employee

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Reference no: EM133481787

Question: It is important for employees to be valued, and the management should take measures to engage with employees. Arranging meetings and communicating with the team members to give updates of the organization is a way to engage with employees. Rewards, recognition, and giving an enthusiastic welcome to new buddies will create a positive relationship between the organization and employee.

Some ways to increase employee engagement in a organization include sharing ideas, opinions, feedbacks, asking for feedback, and dealing with negative feedback in a orderly way. Furthermore, Listening to the employee and taking action to the feedback given is vital as well. Employees need to know that they are being heard and that they are valued.

Steps should be taken to increase employee engagement like establishing trust among employees, being communicative, and listening to employees. Managers have the the most impact on their team, so they are vital to the employee engagement strategy. In order to increase employee engagement, it is important to know the reason behind it and to be clear when communicating. To attain transparency, leaders should be visible in communicating in every way. Finally, it is important to listen to employees and take action.

Employee engagement is not easy but it is well worth it. It will lead to less departure and the organization will be more productive. So, managers should take the time to listen to employees and take action on their feedback.Communication is the key to a successful organization.

Reference no: EM133481787

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