Relationship between religion and war

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM133089931

Research Project and Paper

A 7-page research paper (not including title page and bibliography) is required on a relevant subject to which the instructor has agreed. This paper must be written according to the latest edition of the APA writing style rules and comply with its formatting and referencing guidelines.

Possible Themes for Research Papers

These are some examples of topics students can research and write on for this assignment:
• The role religion plays in the life-cycle process of individual maturation.
• How does religion answer basic questions of existence within different cultures?
• The influence of religion in behaviors related to death and their meaning?
• The relationship between religion and war.

The role of religion in adversity and suffering.
• The role of religion in establishing peace in times of war.
• How does one contemporary artistic expression (visual art, music, film, etc...) influence religion, and vice-versa?
• How does capitalism reflect and/or contradict the concept of religious ethics?
• The influence of American icons such as Disney, Elvis or Oprah on American religion.6

6. Paper Evaluation Criteria

The instructor will look at the following criteria to grade the film analysis and research papers, attributing thecriteria established in the grading rubric that you will find in D2L:

Referencing Sources: Students must follow the latest edition of the APA rules for the references they usein their paper. For information on the latest edition of the APA rules, students may find the following website.

Reference no: EM133089931

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