Reference no: EM133063124
SMP10103 Principles of Economics
Title - The impact of unemployment on economic growth in Singapore
Choose any topic related to economics, such as the relationship between exports and economic growth in Malaysia, the effect of inflation on exports in China, etc. Your topic must be approved by your instructor.
These guidelines are intended to assist students who are taking Principles of Economics in the preparation of their assignments in terms of formatting and writing conventions. Students should refer closely to this guide and seek clarification with the instructors on specific matters relating to the preparation of their assignments.
1. Language
The assignment should be written either in English or Bahasa Melayu. Language use should be consistent throughout the assignment, especially in terms of spelling (American or British).
2. Technical Specifications
The assignment must only be printed on a letter-quality or laser printer.
3. Number of Pages
The number of pages is dependent on the instructor and should not exceed 20 pages (excluding tables, figures and appendices).
4. Page Layout
The text should be presented in the portrait layout. The landscape layout may be used for figures and tables.
5. Typeface and Font Size
The text of the assignment, including headings and page numbers, must be produced with the same font or typeface. The font size should be 12-point and should not be scripted or italicised except for scientific names and terms in a different language. Bold print may be used for headings. Footnotes and text in tables should not be less than 8-point. The appropriate font for the assignment is Times New Roman.
6 Margins
The left, right top and bottom margins must be 2.54 cm.
7. Spacing
The assignment should be double-spaced, with four spaces between paragraphs and sections. The following, however, should be single-spaced:
• Footnotes (if absolutely necessary);
• Quotations of three lines or more, indented and set in a block;
• References or bibliography (except between entries);
• Multi-line captions (tables, figures);
• Appendices, such as questionnaires, letters; and
• Headings or subheadings.
8. Front Cover
The front cover must be entirely lettered in bold and it must contain the following:
• UniMAP Logo;
• Title of assignment;
• Name of each student and matric number;
• Degree;
• Name of the faculty
Abstract -should not be more than 300 words.
Four things you need to include:
• Issue and objective
• Method
• Key results or arguments
• Conclusion
• Highlight the importance of the topic.
• Make general statements about the topic.
• Present an overview on real issues on the subject.
• Present and interpret graphs
• Write the objective in one sentence
• Method
• Data period
• Sources of data
• Measurements of data
• Model
• Provide tables
• Explain the tables
• Analysis must address the objective
Conclusion and Suggestions
• Summarise from introduction to analysis
• Provide suggestions based on the findings in the analysis
Attachment:- Principles of Economics.rar