Relationship between every component of marketing mix

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Reference no: EM133313387


As we have discussed, there is a direct relationship between every component of the marketing mix, since each has some component of the other in the offering. Looking at your marketing project discuss the following: 1) Discuss the channel, distribution and logistics aspects of your project and how these can complement the other components of your marketing mix strategy. 2) Briefly state your value proposition for each of the targeted segments highlighted in your strategy. Note if these segments will change over the 3-year horizon of your marketing plan.

Reference no: EM133313387

Questions Cloud

Marketplace characteristics and key competitors : Marketplace Characteristics: How would you describe the marketplace in which the firm competes?
Company pricing and margin strategy and distribution : Discuss the company's pricing and margin strategy, distribution, global presence, etc.
Discuss strategic considerations in play for selection : Through research or personal interview, map decision-making process for selecting this application and discuss strategic considerations in play for selection
Double exploitation of consumers : Commercial co-creation has been criticized by some researchers, suggesting the practice is a double exploitation of consumers.
Relationship between every component of marketing mix : There is a direct relationship between every component of the marketing mix, since each has some component of the other in the offering.
Identify products with shorter life cycle and discuss : Identify products with shorter life cycle and discuss. What is impulse purchase? How does this contribute to retail marketing?
Ghosal Matrix model of internationalization strategy : Show a good knowledge of the Bartlett and Ghosal Matrix model of internationalization strategy.
Problem in your subsequent analysis : Identification of the problem - Why is the scenario important for this company? And focus on this problem in your subsequent analysis.
Convincing the customers to try out new snack product : A service selling situation when convincing the customers to try out a new snack product.


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